I’m tired

@lisa0617 I have 4 month old twins and I’m going this alone because I have a PFA on my kids father. It is so hard and I just wanna give up most days but I know I can’t, my babies saved my life.
@lisa0617 Honestly I miss my maternity break. I thought it was much easier than having to work AND manage kids, even with new born phase challenges. Sleep sleep sleep as much as you can.
@eaglehaze I know my kids are safe at my moms, so I take the time to literally space out when im there, since I have zero opportunity to do anything of the sort at home (even with husband being at home).

She says my name repeatedly and sometimes gets urked Bout it, but asked the other day "do you come here to space out??"
Never really thought to explain it to her. I said "yeah, my babies are safe here, so I know I can go somewhere in my head for a little and don't have to worry about it." 😂

She totally got it 🥲
@eaglehaze Totally. I want to hole up in a shack in the middle of a forest somewhere and stay in a drunken stupor for a few months.

There are times I think this wasn’t what I had expected at all, or that I’m in over my head, or just plain unhappy and that my marriage is failing even.

But then they smile at me, and I forget it all and remember why I go on and do everything I do.
@eaglehaze Hahaha yes 😭
Sometimes I wanna go back to my early twenties and some days I wanna fast forward til my late forties so that I can just escape this part.

On particularly bad nights I can catch myself fantasizing about ending up in a coma so that I’ll at least be unconscious lol.

But it comes and goes and I have this constant feeling deep down that some day soon I’ll be okay again
@eaglehaze Yep. My husband ran errands for us today and I'm sitting here jealous that he's been to Target twice in the last month and I haven't been in...a really long time. Yes, it appears that I'm harboring resentment toward my amazing partner for taking shit off my to do list. Sigh.
@eaglehaze Yes, all the time. I think about just keeping driving west until I hit the coast. But then I remember all the wonderful people I have in my life at home and feel guilty. Still do it though. Honestly I think it’s normal and natural when you have a lot of responsibilities to imagine what it would be like to not have that.
@eaglehaze I had this conversation with my spouse yesterday about being tired from work, life, being a mom, being a spouse, managing everything especially health (and families health because let’s face it, I am the manager here too LOL)… but today I feel so blessed and lucky and grateful. Some days are hard but the good ones are so good, it’s worth it. I like to think it’s normal- especially for working parents. We’re all a little imperfect!