TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

@sherryamber I took a mini bottle of champagne to the hospital to celebrate the birth of my second baby/ making it through my planned c-section after I almost was never pregnant again after the trauma of my first birth.

When I first found out you could drink and breastfeed with my first I was a bit guilty doing it but I got over it. I breastfed for 3.5 years, would have been very antisocial if I couldn't have a drink in that time.

I have absolutely no guilt this time around. It's a freaking global pandemic if I couldn't have wine and whine video calls with my sister I'd have gone insane in this lockdown.
@sherryamber Babies react to your emotions and vibes, much like animals. They can tell when you’re scared or stressed. If it’s been a really rough day, I have definitely opened a beer or poured myself a glass of wine. I’ve never gone so far as to feel buzzed, so I know there’s not THAT much alcohol actually in my system (I’ve usually been pretty decent at not going overboard if I didn’t want to) and I also drink plenty of water with my drink, but I drink just enough to relax and calm me down, which helps relax my baby, and I think THATS more important than what little alcohol she receives in breast milk.
@sasserfras I had a beer today at lunch at the restaurant. I wanted a damn Oktoberfest beer! My thoughts are one and I’m good. I’m still in control. People really don’t notice that kind of stuff… it’s all in our heads!
@sherryamber Went on a date with my husband and split a flight with him with dinner. Thought we were fine because he ate right before we got back, but then of course he got hungry again. Realized halfway through feeding him that I had calculated the two hours from when I started drinking, not when I finished. Still feeling insanely guilty even though I know it’s probably fine.
@sherryamber But am I the only one who then connects the slightest bit of fussiness/grassiness/change in behavior to the alcohol and immediately regrets it, even though the two are most likely completely unrelated? Makes it hard to enjoy.
@sherryamber If you assume your breast milk is the same percentage alcohol as your blood while drinking (safe assumption) breastfeeding while drinking is totally OK. Going to be difficult to breastfeed while shitfaced anyways 😂
@livefreegirl Yes. I had a child development professor say basically that if a doctor says a little of something sometimes is safe then many people will have a lot all the time. So things like alcohol are basically presented as “no, none, never” to avoid that miscommunication.