JuSt yOu WaIt TiL tHe BaBy CoMeS..

@tigermoose That’s the scary but fun part- you don’t know how it will be but there’s an extent where you get to define it and a part where whatever will happen, will happen and if you need help or support you can reach out for it. Newborn phase was the scariest in my mind because they’re so...new, but you handle it. And obviously as they develop and grow rapidly, so will their needs and our roles and what we provide but I’m personally happy with the way things are going right now. Good luck with your birthing experience and I wish you all the best.
@lilithdom Thank god I haven’t received too much unsolicited advice and warnings like this. Everyone is just so excited for me. When I have expressed some of the concerns I have about taking care of the baby, everyone tells me I will do fine. The best comment came from a new mom I work with who has an 8 month old currently. She told me it’s “the best thing ever” to take care of a newborn and I “will love it.” I’m still nervous and not sure how I will handle all of the changes in my life though...
Edit: hmm, a downvote, for what reason? I guess sharing my experiences isn’t welcome.

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