TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

@sherryamber I took a mini bottle of champagne to the hospital to celebrate the birth of my second baby/ making it through my planned c-section after I almost was never pregnant again after the trauma of my first birth.

When I first found out you could drink and breastfeed with my first I was a bit guilty doing it but I got over it. I breastfed for 3.5 years, would have been very antisocial if I couldn't have a drink in that time.

I have absolutely no guilt this time around. It's a freaking global pandemic if I couldn't have wine and whine video calls with my sister I'd have gone insane in this lockdown.
@sherryamber Babies react to your emotions and vibes, much like animals. They can tell when you’re scared or stressed. If it’s been a really rough day, I have definitely opened a beer or poured myself a glass of wine. I’ve never gone so far as to feel buzzed, so I know there’s not THAT much alcohol actually in my system (I’ve usually been pretty decent at not going overboard if I didn’t want to) and I also drink plenty of water with my drink, but I drink just enough to relax and calm me down, which helps relax my baby, and I think THATS more important than what little alcohol she receives in breast milk.
@sasserfras I had a beer today at lunch at the restaurant. I wanted a damn Oktoberfest beer! My thoughts are one and I’m good. I’m still in control. People really don’t notice that kind of stuff… it’s all in our heads!