I am team crib til college. Change my mind

@neverbeenalone My son is still perfectly fine in his crib but it’s so hard on my back putting him in and out so we’re going to try a bed. Don’t know how much more my short self can take lol
@neverbeenalone We actually JUST transitioned our three-year-old ( just turned three at the beginning of this month)to a twin bed. He was actually too large to go to a toddler bed because he’s over the weight limit already. But we kept him in his crib because he still fit in there just fine and for whatever reason he just really slept well there. But everybody told me that you’re supposed to wait until the closest to three years old to transition which is exactly what we did. We said goodbye to the crib and put up a twin bed, and he barely has any distance to fall which is good because I found one that’s low to the ground. And he did great. He’s been sleeping in it for naps, and all night ever since. So I highly do recommend it because eventually they will start to climb out of the crib, which I noticed my son started to do as well.