I am team crib til college. Change my mind

@neverbeenalone I thought we were ride or die crib because she never even showed any interest in getting out. Randomly last weekend she climbed out of it at 2.5 years and we immediately took the side off to make it a toddler bed. It’s been a week and it’s gone surprisingly well.
@neverbeenalone We changed to a real bed early, around 2. I was pregnant with my second and my oldest was beginning to climb. Prob my fault, I put her in gymnastics at 18 months, but she was an early walker too. It was a really smooth transition for us. She stays in her bed for the most part. She is 3 now and bed time consists of brushing our teeth, going potty, reading stories. She will try to get up 2-3 times, some nights. We just take her back to bed and that's that. She is a terrible sleeper though and usually wakes up a few times. When she was in the crib she would cry, we would have to to help her get back to sleep. It was a whole ordeal. Now she just climbs into our bed when she's upset. Not every night, a couple times a week I wake up to some feet kicking me in the face. It works for us, plus she's almost ready to use the potty for herself at night. Currently she doesn't wear pull ups, just underwear at night. We still have some accidents but she's almost there! Pooping however, that's a whole different story.
@neverbeenalone I think it really helps ground my daughter. Who is 2y9m and huge for her age. She'll scream and refuse to get in it, but often once we fight her in, she'll settle down with a book or her stuffed animals even if she won't go to sleep. It's already really hard to get her to go to bed/sleep.

We are in no rush to get her out of the crib in general, but in a few months we want to move her baby brother into her room as well (small apartment). I'd rather her be comfortable with a toddler bed before we do that, instead of transitioning when he's already in there.
@neverbeenalone My son was fine in his crib and never once attempted to climb out or even dreamed that he could do so. We moved him into a bed two months before he turned 3 because his little sister needed out of her bassinet. I was super anxious about the transition but it turns out he’s super chill in his bed too. It’s been a year. He really never even gets out of his bed. He calls for mommy when he’s has a nightmare or when he wakes up in the morning. It’s incredible.
@neverbeenalone Damn, you’ve got a 3 year old who hasn’t tried to climb out of their crib yet??!! LUCKYY!!!! We had to switch to a toddler bed before our lil dude turned 2 because he figured out how to climb out one day, and then just kept. on. doing it 😩😂 he’s almost 3.5 now, we have a clamshell on the inside of his door to at least keep him in his room until we get there when he wakes up because the steps are right outside his door 🥴
@neverbeenalone I had my dad drill lower holes in our crib (while making sure there was still no gaps at the bottom) because my daughter was 100% for height. She never once tried to climb out, but we eventually moved her to a twin bed (with rails) when she was 2 3/4yo because I had sciatica and couldn’t lift her in and out anymore.
@neverbeenalone I took my barely 2yo out of her crib last Christmas to have the crib ready for a new baby and it was a horrible decision. Really made our time off (without childcare!) awful because she wouldn’t nap and slept poorly. Just a dumb move that I won’t be doing again.
@neverbeenalone God I wish my little dude had made it this far in his crib! I think his little ass climbed out at like 14 months then spent a year sleeping on the floor (!) the transition to a big bed was tough and I had to sleep train again.
@neverbeenalone Yep, we kept our son in until he turned 3, and then I just had to much trouble lifting him in and out of the crib! So we transitioned to a toddler bed right at 3, but I probably would have kept him in longer if it wasn’t physically getting too difficult.
@neverbeenalone We did crib as long as possible until LO started climbing out at 2.5 yrs. Took off side rail and put on toddler rail. That lasted 1 month. LO figured out they could climb out and sleep on the floor. After 4 months of sleeping on the floor crib was taken down and mattress is on the floor. They now sleep on the mattress on the floor.
@neverbeenalone My mind is blown that people’s 3 year olds are so chill they don’t try climbing out of their crib yet, how do you get them to do that? Mine will climb out AND into her baby sister’s crib. But also my 3 year old is a giant at 40”.
@neverbeenalone We transitioned from crib to a full bed 3 months shy of 3, which was 1 month after he potty trained. It was rough keeping him in his room so we put a doorknob cover on it and he sleeps great. I like that he can get up and use his potty chair if he needs to and we can lay with him and read books or take a nap together on the weekends. I thought I’d keep him in it forever too but suddenly one day it just felt right to move him. He turned 3 a week ago and is already 40 inches tall so we were way past the height limit anyway.
@neverbeenalone Put mine on the floor at 10 months old, we were going on 3 months almost of absolute shit sleep and trying everything and at that point he would no longer contact sleep so we figured what the hell might as well give it a shot. He started sleeping better that same night.

He doesn't sleep on the matterss though lol he prefers the carpet
@neverbeenalone We changed at 3 because she had some ish and tried to climb out. It was a tiny bit rough for like a week maybe but she usually stays in her bed and plays but I like knowing if she wants to turn in the light or grab another toy she can. I think keeping her in a crib til 3 helped!