TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

@eldridge Some people recommend cracking open a cold one while nursing! Then if you are all that worried by the next feed it'll be mostly filtered though - kind of like when you can have a drink or two with dinner and drive home because you aren't drunk since you waited a bit
@sherryamber No guilt! I don't get shitfaced just have a drink on a weekend night here and there. And baby is doing just fine, we're at 7 months now. Pediatrician and lactation consultant borlthbsaid it's fine and that's all I need!
@gravityfades I agree that its fine. But my pediatrician must be old school because she told me to pump and dump for 24 hours if i drink any alcohol. Sounds like a waste of a lot of good milk
@sherryamber I don’t feel guilty as my doctors and my daughter’s doctors were clear about this with me from the beginning. My daughter’s pediatrician even told me “now go have a glass of wine to celebrate “ after he did our fist home visit when she was 4 days old and checked latch etc (he’s also a lactation consultant, unusual I know but super useful!)
@sherryamber My first night out in public with a 3 week old was at a brewery garden and I was so scared to breastfeed in public for the first time that the alcohol didn’t even factor in to it for me 😂
@sherryamber I have a couple beers or a glass of wine a few times a week. As long as you’re not wasted and you can hold your baby without dropping them you’re fine. As my OB says, it like pissing into the ocean haha. You’d have to be so drunk you couldn’t walk or talk coherently for it to be in your milk enough to harm baby.
@brandonjack47 I'm the same, not a huge fan of beer. I found some boobie cookies (lactation cookies) which you can make or buy. Lots of recipes online. They contain brewers yeast but you don't notice that beer taste. They really helped my supply.