The Final Straw w/ Husband

@bigred009 Can I just say thank you so much for making me smile today, it’s so nice to see this instead of an actual horrible partner/husband.
It’s actually made my day
@bigred009 I usually play devil’s advocate when reading these posts and try to understand where the partner may be coming from. But in this case, your husband clearly has very little respect for his family and his behaviour may even constitute child abuse. You and your baby deserve to be treated better than this. Your child deserves a parent who will acknowledge every stretch, burp, fart, and yawn.
@mikeisthename Yes! So many people are jumping to divorce but I think therapy could be helpful here. Sounds to me like he might be depressed or going through a tough time? As a redditor, I'm definitely qualified to offer a diagnosis here!
@crawfojo14 He definitely has post partum depression… probably autism & severe anxiety too. Just from the paragraph OP wrote I think it’s obvious he’s suffering from ADHD as well.
@bigred009 My daughter has started excitedly saying HI DADDY literally every two seconds and my husband didn't respond like 4 times (not in a row). He clearly doesn't love her. I should totally pack our bags and leave too!