Tell me I’m not a bad parent

@dan54fis To add onto this, my toddler just had a diaper rash no long ago and I read on a comment somewhere that after cleaning their bum area, to let it air dry, then LATHER them with Desitin (purple one) and on top of that, add a THICK layer of Aquaphor, be super generous with it.. to the point that on the next diaper change, there still should be some Desitin and Aquaphor mixture left on her/his bum. I did that for two days and the rash was gone. Hope this helps!!

Also, for the screen time part, I know the feeling of guilt and honestly, even if they aren’t sick and still get some long hours of screen time here and there, it really isn’t the worst thing in the world. To me, it is all about balance. Some days my LO watches waaay more TV than I would want her to so I balance it out by finding a day of the week to just have minimal to no screen time by planning lots of outdoor activities, bringing out toys that she hasn’t played for a while, and just have her join me doing chores at home. Anyway, it doesn’t always work, of course. But what matters is that we are doing the best we can with what we have. So give yourself some grace because you are doing great!!! 😌
@dan54fis Not a bad parent! For that diaper rash mix some OTC yeast cream, regular diaper cream, and triple antibiotic cream together to make the intimate cream. My sons skin is the most sensitive and that clears it up in a day
@dan54fis Corn flour and Vaseline for the nappy rash. Was a miracle for my little one
Also you do you. screen time is only a problem I think when the are watching it 10 hours a day. And using it as an all day baby sitter. Be kind to yourself and use whatever tools you have to keep yourself calm and give yourself a break
@dan54fis I agree with everyone here! Don't beat yourself up over it. My daughter turns 2 this week and for so long I felt ashamed about how much screen time she's had. She started watching Ms. Rachel at like 6 months I wanna say. By 8 months the amount of sign language she knew from her alone was unbelievable. I really believe the quality of what they're watching makes a difference too but either way I really don't think screen time is as huge of a deal as people make it out to be. Tablets/phone use is different but we've even used those on special occasions like travel etc. If it makes you feel better, I'm now 30 weeks pregnant ans my daughter's screen time has definitely increased during my pregnancy because I've just been struggling to be honest. But she is truly the smartest little girl I know. She knows the entire alphabet, can count to 20, knows all her colors and shapes and she even knows quite a handful of opposites like up and down, hot and cold, big and small. She has always met her developmental milestones and now at age 2 her vocabulary is well over 200 words. I attribute most of this to Ms. Rachel 😂

You're doing great. And like others mentioned you provided safety, love and comfort when they were needed which is the ultimate goal here ❤️
@ps150 That’s so great! Thanks for sharing, it’s definitely encouraging to hear about kids with screen-time that are hitting all the milestones. Goodluck in your last trimester!
@dan54fis Totally. Parent guilt is so real.

You are doing awesome!!! A little bit of screen time to preserve your sanity is great.

Also, just a little recommendation— Calmoseptine is amazing for diaper rash. Every time my son has had it, it’s cleared it right up.
@dan54fis I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeling this way about screen time. I'm a SAHM and I do most of the chores/errands at home. Some days I'm exhausted and let LO have alot of screen time. Mostly sesame street or nature documentaries. It makes me feel so guilty. Like I'm the worst mom in the world and like LO will have tremendous attention problems when grown up because of it.
@wanderer10 Yes this is exactly it. I feel like I’m going to cause him ADHD or something from these studies and pediatrician Tik Tok videos. But I think what everyone here has said is true, it’s all about moderation and balance. We had TV time growing up and turned out fine. You’re doing great!
@dan54fis Try to view it as just using one of the tools in your parent tool box. It sounds like you do a great job of not parking them in front of the TV 24/7. There is nothing wrong with screen time, especially when you and babes both are needing a break. I’m a therapist and i can tell you it’s not kids that get screen time that are struggling, it’s kids whose parents aren’t involved or doing anything with them. You’re doing a great job. Be gentle with yourself ♥️
@dan54fis My daughter used to get horrific diaper rashes. Like, blisters that might scar. We tried everything, but it would happen so quickly that it felt hopeless. I SUPER recommend Resinol. It's been a lifesaver. We also cover that with a THICK (like entirely too much) later of Vaseline (recommended by Dr) to keep it on. We change poop right away, and do baking soda baths and meds, too. It's a lot easier now that she can talk. It'll get better for you, too, I'm sure!

Also, you're not a bad parent for using TV during a stressful time. During the worst of our diaper rash period, we would have her watch while we were changing because it was the only thing keeping her mind off the pain. Everyone has bad days, tomorrow is a new one! Besides, we veg out when we're sick or injured and that's what he is doing, too. You got this!
@dan54fis Give yourself grace girl. Kids watch way more TV and turn out more than fine. Sometimes you need a break! Also he’s sick!!! Kids need downtime too when they feel like crap
@dan54fis You’re doing great. I recently watched UP with my 9 month old when she was sick and not doing well. It was a good distraction and I’m frankly impressed at her attention span.

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