Tell me I’m not a bad parent

@humblewatchman I am not OP but I just want to say, that must have been so hard!! I cannot imagine the stress it may have caused. You are amazing for knowing what would have helped at the time, in this case, screen time. I would have panicked for sure 😭
@dan54fis You're not a bad parent. Screentime doesn't make you a bad parent. People are so ridiculously critical of parents these days for no reason other than to feel superior. You're doing the best that you can.

Also, side note: If you're able to get ahold of any breastmilk, mix that with some aquaphor and apply to the diaper rash. I've found this one works like a charm for my LO 😊
@dan54fis You sound like a great parent! You are treating your son's symptoms the best you can... and sometimes the only way littles will stay still for long enough to heal and rest is if you plop them in front of Ms. Rachel (or Bluey, or Pufin Rock).

If you're a bad parent, then so am I. 💜 Good luck, mama. I hope your son is feeling better soon.
@dan54fis You sound amazing 💙
I do unlimited screen time with my kids when they are unwell or in pain. The rest of the time we do meaningful activities so I think it’s just about finding that balance.
@dan54fis This is something I don’t get.

People say screen time is so bad, but I have a toddler, we took her to swimming lessons and she did what we asked ie kicked her legs. But when I showed her a video of a toddler swimming it clicked more for her, she didn’t know what was expected of her at swimming until I showed her, how is that not a good thing?

I did the same with dentist visit and we spoke about it and watched some videos and she was a superstar!!!

I don’t give her much screen time but if I need a few mins then ms Rachel is helpful for her language skills etc,..
@dan54fis I really like the A and D diaper rash cream. Whenever my little guy is red it clears him up right away. Also worked wonders for my niece's diaper rash and she has eczema. You're doing fine.
@dan54fis Your son was super uncomfortable so you did everything to ease his pain and then even gave him the extra treat of extended screen time to hopefully make him feel at least a little better.

In the grand scheme of his day/week/month/year, 90 mins is no time at all. You’re doing a great job and clearly love your LO!
@dan54fis Use a hair dryer on cool to dry baby’s bum before putting any diaper cream on or you are just trapping bacteria and it will get worse. This was recommended by our doctor and boy did it work along with the purple maximum strength desitin. Good luck mama and you are doing fine. Honestly…screen time is relative. Those studies never specify what was watched…educational children shows are fine!!! Moderation and type of show is what matters. Throw that guilt away!!! ❤️
@niclint Thank you!! I’ll definitely try the blow dryer trick. Purple desitin is our BFF right now. Someone on here also suggested breastmilk and Aquaphor which sounds promising!

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