Tell me I’m not a bad parent

@crystalturquoise That’s a really good point. I also hate the idea of tablets (but don’t want to be judgey because I’m not in toddler/young childhood yet) and can see the difference between TV on for everyone vs being in an anti social tablet vortex for hours.
@dan54fis We’ve talked about our tablets being used for plane travel, but we really don’t want our daughter to have her own tablet until she’s much older. I’d rather it be a means to just watch a movie/tv show on the go until she’s older. I definitely don’t judge others for what they choose to do, but it’s what we’re trying to do to achieve some balance.
@dan54fis I used to beat myself up when I resorted to screen time when my kid was sick, then I realized it’s not like they are in an optimal learning state anyway when they’re sick. What they are is feeling like crud and getting comfort by zoning out, just like we like to do when we feel sick. Don’t sweat it!
@dan54fis Call me loosy goosy, but I see no problems with occasional longer stretches of screen time. I’m no expert, but from what I do know it’s the habit that’s damaging. It’s the propping a baby in front of the tv for multiple hours a day every day while the adult in the room messes around on their phone and doesn’t interact with the baby at all. He’ll be okay and you’re doing fantastic! Nothing to stress over.
PS - my almost 8 month old loves Teletubbies. It’s great to put on my phone for a couple of episodes in the morning when she decides to wake up at the ass crack of dawn. She mostly throws the phone and climbs on me, but it gives me time to wake up a little slower lol
@dan54fis I'm all for tv time, but not mobile devices. I was raised watching TV as a kid. The way I see it is the TV stays home and can be turned off. Screen time on mobile devices is an issue for me because then it's expected everywhere. I work at home and used to feel bad, but sometimes TV is the only way I can make it through the day. I just had my 2nd (2 under 2) so I've already accepted that my newborn will be around it. Half the time my son barely pays attention to it anyway, and just drags my shoes all over the house!
@steykr49 Haha aw cute! I definitely agree with you. And I know when our second comes along I probably wouldn’t even question it like I am now. Especially if it was 2 under 2!!!!
@dan54fis When I’m sick the best thing for me is to binge watch my favorite show! I’m sure it’s an excellent distraction for him- you’re doing your best and that’s the best thing you could do for your child! A couple of tips for you: If you talk to ur pediatrician, like just call or message them, you can get a prescription for a diaper rash ointment that works like an absolute charm! An alternative is corn starch. Another thing that worked for teething for ours was frozen green onions. Just throw them in the freezer for 20 minutes and let baby go to two- green onion releases numbing agents that numb the gums, and the cold feels good on their gums. You’re doing great, the fact that you’re worrying is proof.
@dan54fis There’s this older woman who cooks on YouTube and talks about life and she has such a nice voice, always says hey nieces and nephews 😂😂 he loves it
@dan54fis When my lo was 16 months old, she had a bad time with her tummy. It was the poopocalypse. She was pooping every hour, and despite my efforts to change her as soon as possible, she had a really bad diaper rash by 10am. She cried as soon as I took her diaper off, I cried because she was crying, it wasn't a good time.

After getting some advice from the dr, we spent the entire day laying on the couch watching movies with her cuddled on my chest ( poor thing didn't even want to lay on her backside). I'm talking from noon until bedtime. It was the only way she wasn't uncomfortable.

Don't feel bad, you did exactly what you and baby needed to feel better.

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