Struggling with ST culture

@jujus Such a beautiful summary. Thank you for sharing. I think you’ve hit the nail right on the head. It’s much easier to turn a blind eye, or choose not to know. And having had some absolutely shocking nights for months on end, I can absolutely see why people would pay $ (and therefore see perceived value) in paying to receive a good nights sleep for themselves.

It can be tough and hard work. But no one can dispute responding to our children and the benefits it provides us 💕
@riseup Couldn’t agree with you more 💕 for what it’s worth I’ve heard from a lot of parents who do attachment style parenting that they have excellent sleepers in a few years, sleep training only lasts until 2 years of age, at that age our children will have a secure bond and feel safe sleeping rather than starting to become terrible sleepers who associate bed as a bad place rather than a safe one.

Stay the course we are in this for the long game 💕💕 all research very clearly shows that attachment parenting best leads to independence.
@jujus ❤️❤️❤️ it is true. Although anecdotally, I am seeing friends toddlers around the age of 2-2.5 who were sleep trained who are now calling out and crying overnight. Unfortunately they believed that sleep is a “skill” and that they taught their children to be “independent”. It couldn’t be further from the truth.

My LO sleeps so peacefully. And whilst they will still occasionally wake, they are easily able to fall back to sleep. They are not frightened because they have had that support.
@riseup I often forget about this point! Im also in Aus and bed shared with my now-3yo until I was mid pregnancy with my now-4 month old (as I had a lot of musculoskeletal pain etc). I was pretty nervous about transitioning her into her own bed and room but she did amazingly and has pretty much slept soundly through the night on her own ever since! Has occasionally called out when sick etc and we always respond immediately, but it was pretty incredible how well she slept - having total trust we would come have a cuddle if she needed. Versus my niece who was ST and now as a 4yo wakes a lot overnight upset etc. I’m just really glad I did things the way I did, and am doing now for my second.