Struggling with ST culture

@1st%E2%80%A0company%E2%80%A0of%E2%80%A0christ I don’t want to give it any more advertising, but it’s Save Our Sleep. Horrible author with no qualifications. She also promotes timed feeding as being more nutritious for infants. She also promoted wearing sleep sacks in car seats at one point (although later retracted that). The list goes on…
@andee She is. She has plenty of people who try to pull her up on her misinformation, but she does nothing about it. She once posted two pictures of what she said was breastmilk side by side and said that they were showing how one was more nutritious than the other as it was timed feeding and more fatty. She literally pulled the image from the internet and it wasn’t anything to do with timed expressed milk. A quick google search proved it. She still kept it up and held her ground!
@riseup What a weird and disgusting attitude to have against a helpless infant you’re caring for, as if you’re trying to defeat them. WTF. This person shouldn’t even have children, let alone tell others how to do anything.
@riseup That is so disgustingly emotionally abusive and horrifying. I can’t imagine being helpless and knowing nothing about this world, being so upset I’m literally puking, and my supposed caregiver won’t even make eye contact. This is fckng dark.
@riseup I’m in Australia too and maybe luckily, didn’t know A SINGLE THING about babies, like not a scrap of info, until having one. Bub was in the pram after I’d just transferred her from sleeping, she started crying so I went over to get her, and the builder who was working on our house said, You should just leave her to cry and she’ll eventually stop. And that was the first time I’d heard of that type of thing and just looked at him in shock. Why on earth would I do that?! She’s calling out for me, for someone. I’m just here! Then found out about CIO and all the other sleep methods that my grandparents used. No thank you, I’ve seen first hand how my father ended up, I DO NOT wish that upon my daughter! We live in a very alternative area & I thought there would be more people doing what we do , but apparently not.
@latyneyez That’s the thing. It’s so instinctual to respond isn’t it ❤️. I don’t think anyone would instinctually set a timer on their phones for different intervals or pick up/put down their children in a cot. People are only doing this because someone has told them to.