
@sharleeg I’m 42 and a FTM currently 32+4. Everyone says to me “people do what they want and it’s no big deal” if I bring up my age. I’m financially stable. I own a home. My shit is more together than it’s ever been in life and I am in a healthy, happy relationship.

These people are not in your shoes and they don’t pay your bills. Please don’t pay them much mind.

Congrats on the new baby! 🫶🏼
@sharleeg All of my friends around my age have teenagers, and I'm pregnant with my first at 36. I get it. I do feel judged, but at the same time, I know it's also totally normal to have children over 35 in many areas. Where I live, you have kids right out of high school. It wasn't in the cards for me. I didn't tell everyone how hard we struggled with infertility over the years, either. Now that I know there's a sliver of a chance I can have more children, I absolutely plan on more in my future and to hell with what people think.
@sharleeg Just to put things into perspective, I had my first one when I was 35, currently pregnant with the second one at 36, and I live in NYC. Every single time I go to a prenatal yoga class in the city, or even my ob's office I feel like I'm a teenage mom and have no business there, because everyone is so much older 😂. Mostly first time moms in their early or mid 40s.
38 still feels really young to me to have a THIRD baby. Congratulations btw!!! How very exciting ❤️
@sharleeg I'm 42 and pregnant with baby #2. I have a 9 year old. (We wanted at least a 5 year age gap and events made that happen) I would say I'm 3-5 years younger than a lot of his classmate's parents that I've befriended. It's funny because my same-age cousin with a 9 year old said they felt left out, because a lot of their kid's classmate's parents were still in their 20's.
@sharleeg I had my kids at age 34 and 37. We’re doing fine. I struggle to imagine how young inexperienced kids (aka early 20’s) have the maturity or resources to raise kids the way they deserve to be. Don’t let people get you down! You got this mama!!
@sharleeg Stop giving other people the power to dictate how you feel about decisions in your own life. These are your children and your family, no one else's. You're handing over your joy because some random lady in church has something contrary to say? Soliciting feedback from other people on Reddit is just continuing the trend of needing other people to validate you. This all has to come from within.

I hope this doesn't come off as harsh! I saw it in my own mom who had my sister at 46 and it's really no way to live. I wish you all of the peace and happiness you deserve.
@sharleeg Currently 37, I live in a conservative area and most of my circle are churchgoing. As a result, my friends who are my age +/- a couple years have been done giving birth for awhile, and the only friends I have that are still in first or second time mom mode are at least 3-5+ years younger.

Anytime I think about the fact that I’m older as a FTM, I just remind myself that most of them were also married younger. Several friends met their spouses in college or those early post-college years. I didn’t meet my husband until I was 28, got married at 30, gave birth to our first (currently only) a few months before I turned 36. IF we decide to have another, we’re wanting to have a larger age gap, so I would be 39 or 40. I try to own that that’s just the timeline for events in my life and not compare my parenthood journey to anyone else’s because comparison really is the thief of joy.

My parents were older than all of my friends’ parents, but my mom always said that age was just a number and she never felt as old as she was, and I never felt like I had “old” parents. As I’ve gotten older, I get what my mom meant, and I don’t necessarily think about my age difference between any of my parent friends anymore.
@msee This is helpful to hear! Sounds like we’re living in very similar environments ♥️ most of my friends were married right after college and went on to start families immediately. I didn’t meet my husband until 28 and I’m so glad I waited for him! It’s good to remember that we all have our own timelines and if every family was the same that would be terribly boring. It makes me feel better I’m not alone out here doing this ♥️and that you had positive experience growing up. Surely for this generation of kids, they’ll all be used to seeing a variety of ages in peer parents as more and more are starting after 35 and what’s important is that kids are loved and we are doing that at every age!♥️
@sharleeg Well, me and 3 of my friends are all having the first kid at 36 lol. We didn't plan to have it this way. Life just happens... I will still try to have my second before 40.
Respectfully... f*ck them!
@sharleeg I was also concerned about advanced maternal age (i'm 37 & will be 38 on my EDD), but then I remember that my mom had a healthy baby at 39 (my younger brother), and my OB said most of their patients are 35+. As long as you're generally healthy, late 30s and even early 40s shouldn't be too much of a concern. There are so many screenings and diagnostic tests now too that can help. Yeah maybe I'll be on the older side when they graduate high school, but pre-pregnancy my husband and I weren't much different physically / health-wise than we were in our mid 20s so it wasn't really a concern. Best of luck with your pregnancy!
@sharleeg I grew up on the West coast and moved to the Midwest for college and most of my 20s. The cultural difference in what people think is polite to say to others in my sunny hometown vs. Indiana was shocking to me at first. Two examples:
  • Someone asked me about my knitting and said they knitted too, so I showed them the cabled scarf I was working on. They quickly pushed it back into my hands with an expression of disgust and said, "I don't mess with that complicated stuff."
  • My boyfriend's (now husband's) grandmother asked me where I worked over the summer. I told her about my student job at a genetics lab. She screwed up her nose and said, "Oh I don't know about any of that. When I was your age I worked in a factory. Real honest labor."
I learned that when people made these judgey-sounding comments, it was usually because they were insecure. Deep-seated inferiority complexes about coming from a lower-income background, not having a college degree, having a lot of kids, etc. They expect others to judge them as dumb hillbillies, so they preemptively put them down in self-defense. The way they live is the right way, you see, so they don't have anything to be ashamed of, you do!

I'd interpret those comments about your pregnancy the same way. Or, if you're feeling generous, that lady at church was trying to be sympathetic because she remembers how tough it was to be pregnant, and she was just really clumsy about it. In either case the things they say are 100% about them and their own issues, not about you, and there's nothing to be embarrassed about.
@fathersjoy That is so helpful and I’m sure you’re right. It makes me think…what casual comments have I made in an attempt to connect with someone but unknowingly hit a nerve or touched on a area of insecurity??? Definitely makes me want to be more sensitive to where others are coming from in so many aspects of life and the choices we all make!♥️
@sharleeg The first thing my OB told me when I shared concerns about being older and pregnant was that she had her first at 37. She now has three total. She really normalized it.

It sounds like you might need that to be more normalized instead of stigmatized. Hope this three helps but it could help to find people in person too. And don’t let others keep you from being excited about your little girl!
@sharleeg I’m 42 with baby number 3. The other kids are 12 and 10. I always felt very young with the first two. I still look and feel very young at 42. I did this because I couldn’t imagine being an empty nester at 48, and have friends in their early 60s becoming empty nesters and that seemed more reasonable… I just feel like having kids and doing all the kid activities has been the best part of our lives and my partners agree.
@herbiemailey Congratulations! So with you on that. I want a full, crazy, busy household for a couple more decades anyway!! Family life is a joy. Thanks for reminding me of one of my reasons to go for 3♥️