Struggling with ST culture

@riseup There are plenty of Aussies ive met that don't sleep train but it's definitely becoming more common from what I've seen. I'm in regional Vic and only one of the mums in my new parents group did. It is becoming way more popular though I think, which is definitely a shame. One of my neighbours was talking about sleep training her newborn and how they lock their toddler in his room each night for him to sleep and then move him to his bed later. That makes me so sad to think about.
@orthodoxdogma ST = Sleep training. An umbrella term that results in behaviour modification (stopping a child from calling out). Strategies are marketed as: controlled comforting, spaced soothing, controlled soothing, camping out, pick up/put down etc. Clever marketing, same objective.
@riseup Yeah I am very tired of being looked at like a crazy person because I still rock my 21 month old to sleep. I am blessed in that she will sleep well in her bed alone (except when she’s sick of course, then she usually wants to sleep with me which is totally fine), but I get up usually about 2 times a night, hold her for a few minutes until she falls back asleep and then put her back in bed. I’m fine with her needing my presence to fall asleep, she’s little and I don’t mind doing it.

I recently had dinner with some friends from high school and their parents. We were all pretty tight knit, one mom in particular was like best friends with my mom so I saw her A LOT and I guess I would consider her like a mentor. But when I talked about how I held my daughter to sleep she acted like I was somehow damaging her? And wouldn’t stop going on about how “an almost 2 year old SHOULD be able to go to sleep on their own” and how the most I should be doing is patting her back a few times. Like I can’t conceive why it was such a terrible thing for me to do in her mind?? Who am I hurting? My child gets to fall asleep knowing she is loved, I am there for her, and I will be there right away if she just says she needs me. I get to hold her close, smell her little head, and enjoy all the endorphins I get from that throughout the night. What on earth is the problem with that? I don’t get it. I really feel like it must be projection, like people feel guilty for ignoring their babies crying so they have to tell themselves they’re doing the “right thing” to the point that anybody else doing it differently must be doing it wrong and “messing up” their child in some way.

Honestly I don’t judge parents who sleep train. Do you, do your family. Whatever makes it work for you. So it boggles my mind that people find it SO necessary to judge me for not sleep training. I just don’t get ot
@riseup Dude, I have the “What to Expect 1st Year” book and sleep training is mentioned multiple times, even encouraging new parents to do it as early as 4 months. This is one of the most popular parenting guides in the US. Parents have been reading it for decades so I can’t say I blame a lot of people for thinking it’s the right thing to do…but what the heck? This is what’s being pedaled to the masses.