Struggling after doctor’s comments

@rehem I appreciate you so much . I think I need to tell her . I don’t think I could hear that at every appointment and not start to relapse. I cannot believe how one comment has sent me . Thank you so much for sharing.
@samuelsallows Yes, I think it really helps to tell them! You might ask the practice if you can email the doctor in advance if you feel nervous about saying it in person. It can feel very vulnerable. ❤️
@samuelsallows I totally understand feeling embarrassed! Like someone else said, eating disorders are (unfortunately) very common though. I’m sure they’ve seen it before. Try not to stress too much!
@samuelsallows You need to tell her this part of your medical history with an eating disorder and do blind weights, if you are struggling with it right now, either don’t do weights at all or ask for blind weights so you can’t be aware of the weight and you don’t discuss it.
@herbiemailey There in kilograms at
office and I’m bad at math so that part usually doesn’t bother me because I don’t know what the weight is anyway . First trimester she said I wasn’t gaining much weight and to make sure I was eating. Last pregnancy she didn’t mention my weight at all
@samuelsallows Hi OP, congrats on the pregnancy and I’m sorry doctor’s comments made you feel bad. I’m in nursing school and have some background - developing gestational diabetes esp at older age is a possibility which is probably why your doctor asked you to be wary. Her approach wasn’t the best but she was probably complacent bc you’ve been with her for so long. Just make her aware you had a history of ED & her comments may be triggering for you. She was def looking out for you!
@scarletinwonderland She’s a great doctor I love her . I’m not upset with her it’s not the world’s responsibility to navigate my trigger but it was so triggering for me . I just told her office about my history. It was the use of the word over eating that made me feel so terrible
@samuelsallows Aw no worries OP - it may seem insignificant but it’s important on a personal basis! That was a good move! Good luck on your preggo journey 😊

Ps I’m 5’4” as well & although we aren’t shortest in the bunch, our height doesn’t help when it comes to gaining weight haha
@samuelsallows This was out of line, especially given that she made a face (wtf, unprofessional). People who haven't experienced eating disorders personally can't understand, but in her line of work she should know better than this. The most important thing is that you and your baby are getting adequate nutrition every day.

I've gained 38 lbs so far and dare anybody to get between me and my breakfast.
@qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikol Her face was that she was genuinely surprised concerned by the gain . I don’t think it was intentional. But I am not overeating so my messed up brain just hears what your doing is wrong and pick up disordered eating again . I am huge in my belly with this baby for some reason. I’m still wearing non maternity clothes though and haven’t really put on weight anywhere but my belly but I look 9 months pregnant rather than like 6 or 7
@samuelsallows I'm still sorry any part of this caused you distress. It's weird how much variability there can be in belly size per month/per person! Maybe you being so petite makes a full-sized baby seem that much larger. You are doing awesome. I hope all the encouragement you get here and from your loved ones offsets any of the negativity. 💜
@thefridge1982 I told the office I had a history of disordered eating and I think I might need a different approach to weight management counseling. I think they will get the hint . I already feel so much better knowing it probably won’t come up again