STM’s, did you actually “bounce back”?


New member
People keep telling me I will “bounce back” because I’m working out through pregnancy. But I just spoke with someone on my bump group who said she was lean/shredded prior to pregnancy, worked out through pregnancy and after and never ended up bouncing back. So second third whatever time parents, did you actually bounce back?
@cuteness20 I had my first at 35 and was back at prepregnancy weight and hitting running PRs within a year. But it wasn't bouncing back -- it was hard work, starting all over with C25K and pushing 50 pounds of stroller (and more recently 100 pounds of double stroller) for hundreds of miles. It took disassembling my well established routine and recreating something that fit my new life and new responsibilities. And then once you get into a changes. Someone drops a nap, or has swim class, or a work schedule changes, or a babysitter moved away, or or or...

You get out what you put into it. It's measurably harder to put the same amount in when so much more is demanded of you. When your time is no longer your own, you have to be much more intentional with it.

I couldn't fit exercise in again until I could take the baby with me in the stroller, or until I switched to running on my lunch break at work while baby was at daycare. I just didn't have the support to watch the baby while I exercised. Gyms with childcare, helpful family, supportive spouse, and you might have space to bounce back. It's logistically challenging.
@neodakine I just wanted to say thank you for this. I am trying to work out the logistics of getting back into fitness with a baby and your comment gave me clarity.
@cuteness20 It took me 9 months to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and my body was definitely different - softer in new spots - but I ran a marathon PR (3 hours 3 mins) at 15 months postpartum, and that meant everything to me.
@cuteness20 4 months postpartum with my second and not yet. I learned with my first that I do not shed weight while breastfeeding- I hold onto the belly until a few months after. I found building my core engagement came a lot easier after #2 and my fitness, when I have time to exercise, is didn’t tank as hard.
@onewayjesus I’m having the same experience the second time around as well. Felt my fitness come back quickly once I started at the gym at 6 weeks. I’m holding on to some weight though. I’m cleaning up my diet more and making better choices so I’m hopeful that will help!
@cinamon I started tracking my food again about a week ago and it was definitely eye opening. I'm not trying to cut anywhere, just make sure I'm hitting my macros and I was way way off with the breastfeeding hunger.
@onewayjesus I have a chip and M&M habit I can adjust for starters lol. It really is eye opening when you track! Eating more protein and veggies really helps. Sounds so boring but it’s true lol
@onewayjesus Same. Everyone told me with my first that because I was so for, I'd she'd the weight immediately and easily, especially since I was breastfeeding. Not true at all. Second time around, I'm hanging onto even more weight while breastfeeding.
@giwpy I agree with the genetics. My mom was thinner AFTER having three kids. And I have other women/parents ask me if I didn’t anything after my first to lose weight and I tell them (aside from a bad case of Covid) I honestly don’t think it’s my behaviors. I think it’s genes. It’s a crapshoot. Obviously behaviors help, but the genetic factors can make things so much easier or harder.
the genetic factors can make things so much easier or harder.

I love this. Knowing and accepting your genetics is such a tool. Yes, it can seem to make things harder, but it can also help you learn your body's unique needs.
@giwpy I have two kids and my body snapped back almost immediately after the first and shortly after the second. During my first pregnancy I worked out at OTF consistently. During my second, I did not (illness limited me to walking and yoga). Overall my lifestyle is "healthy."

Without a shadow of a doubt, I think my ability to snap back was 98% genetics. Sure, I work out, eat whole foods, etc. but so do plenty of other people.

My muscle composition is different. My boobs aren't cute anymore. No one gets out of this unscathed but I think genetics make a bigger impact than we give them credit for in this regard.
@puttincomputers More toned - I was a runner pre pregnancy but burnt out so during pregnancy I picked up reformer Pilates and it was a game changer for me. I feel stronger, don’t have the flat bum people talk about, and recovered quickly. So genetics and Pilates is my winning combo but obviously mileage may vary.
@cuteness20 I’ll go against the tide here and say no- I found it almost impossible to lose weight while breastfeeding and ended up gaining. Carrying additional weight made it harder for me to return to pre pregnancy levels of fitness/speed particularly running.
I saw huge changes once I stopped breastfeeding- it felt like my appetite rapidly dropped, I lost 1/2 the weight in a month and had some significant speed and fitness gains. Then I got pregnant again 😩
@cuteness20 In terms of recovery and how I felt - yes!

In terms of weight - basically yes!

In terms of functioning, like being able to use my core normally - yes!

In terms of fitness - hahaha no 🫠 but my baby has always been a horrible sleeper so I need all the rest I can get - eg, there is no way in hell I can get up early and wheels. And I certainly could never workout during naps even during maternity leave. Many babies see better though!
@cuteness20 Had baby #3 at age 40. Bounced right back—all of the weight was gone within 6 weeks and the baby isn’t yet 6 months old and and I have defined/visible abs again. I mean I certainly worked out during pregnancy and again after the 6 week postpartum mark, but it’s all genetics—it’s not like I’ve magically figured out anything that evades other people. I eat decently but have a few drinks per week and only work out for about 30 minutes 3-4 times per week. I try to generally take good care of myself but I have friends who work much harder who don’t have the same results.
@cuteness20 I was SHOCKED by how quickly I bounced back. Two weeks after birth I was back to pre pregnancy weight. 6 months after I was at high school weight. It was insane. I worked out throughout my pregnancy using fit4mom workouts and felt really good going into labor/delivery and I totally think it helped.