STM’s, did you actually “bounce back”?

@cuteness20 I have managed to bounce back after each pregnancy (I have 5 kids including twins). The only time I had an issue was after being diagnosed with hypothyroidism. That being said, please do some form of core work, be it Pilates, yoga, standing crunches, etc. your core will feel super weak and you’ll have a harder time recovering without it. Good luck and congratulations!
@cuteness20 I honestly really did. 9 months postpartum I was in the best shape of my life. Lots of walking, getting back into running, eating well, and breastfeeding for me burnt extra calories (I know this doesn’t work out well for everyone in this department).

I’m now due any day with #2, but don’t know if it will be so easy again. We’ll see. I am a bit older, after all. But I reason all I can do is my best—I can’t stop time, nor can I do the impossible. I’m sure that I can get myself comfortable with myself again, but perfection is an illusion.
@cuteness20 I gently worked out during my pregnancy and went on 2 walks with the dog up until the day before birth. After birth I lost so much muscle, like NO butt haha!. I am 7 weeks pp now and am getting back into working out baby wearing and going on walks again. I have lost a lot of weight, initially lost the weight of not having baby inside anymore along with placenta and now I'm exclusively breastfeeding and seem to have lost a bit more. However I have a belly pouch and need to lose 10 more pounds to get to pre pregnancy weight. I'm trying to remind myself our bodies go through so much in 9 months and it can take a while to "bounce back" and it is most important to keep baby healthy :)
@cuteness20 I’m pregnant (10w) with #2 and I did not bounce back. Between undiagnosed PPD & PPA, struggles with breastfeeding and never ending lack of sleep I never made time to prioritize me and today I’m the same weight I was 9 months pregnant with my first. I finally am in a better head space but my priorities have shifted from being fit. So no, I didn’t bounce back - at all.
@kayetj I bounced back fast after my first and a little slower after my second, but by all accounts, pretty darn fast. You can probably expect a similar but not identical experience to your first.
@cuteness20 I worked out all my second pregnancy with strength and cardio. I have had such a hard time coming back in the 18mo since I’ve had baby. Now pregnancy with #3, and feeling a little deflated about not seeing the results I’ve been working for since then. But that’s my own issue with body image, and watching my cousin literally bounce back immediately after having her first

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