So this morning I hear my 2.5 yo son yelling “F*ck!!! F*ck!!! F*ck!!! “

@jam44 My 4 year old was running through a Costco screaming “fukken asshole” and laughing like a maniac because she knows it gets a rise out of me. It’s hard to tell her it’s inappropriate while holding in the laughs myself.
@jam44 When my niece was 3 ish she mentioned the neighbour staring out the window or as SIL called him away from niece who must of overheard “mam the daft cunt next door is watching us in garden”
@jam44 My son can’t say the letters ‘L’ or ‘R’ (among others) but he’s obsessed with bridges and trains (also called bridges because he can’t say ‘train’ either but he has bridges in his train set to he defaults to the easier word and we know what he means).

Every time we drive home from preschool and pass the bridge by our house, his tiny voice from the backseat yells out “b*tch! B•tch!” When he asks to have someone play trains with him, it’s “pay me b•tches!”

I should be, but am not, in a rush for him to learn those letters in his weekly speech therapy.
@jam44 At one point my eldest (when she was little) used to yell out "what the fuck" whenever we went through downtown. Took us over a week to figure out we were driving past the "water park" and she wanted to go splash around
@jam44 My grandad always told a story about my uncle as a child.

When he was around 3 he came in one day from playing and said:

"Michael won't give me a go of his fuckin"

Turns out Michael told him he couldn't have a go of his "fuckin truck" and my uncle missed the "truck" part.

Also my younger brother used to say fuck fuck fuck fuck under his breath in the car. He'd keep getting louder until my dad heard him and told him to stop. Often my dad had to stop laughing first.
@jam44 My kid pronounces hat as “ass”. When we are getting ready to go outside he always says “coat and ass” while tapping his belly and head. Makes me laugh every time.