Solo-dadding for 3 days while wife is gone, and just took it from a 0/10 night to a 10/10 morning

@chriscb Maybe we should make this a normal thing?

Post your Meat Mondays, where we show pictures of what we grilled/smoked/cooked over the weekend.
@chriscb Father of a 2 year old and 3 month old...i feel proud when i watch them both in the backyard while wife naps, good for you!

Wife will be traveling a lot more for work soon, I'll need to find my version of "the morning smoker cool down"
@chriscb I feel you. My wife has been gone for 7.5 weeks on a travel nurse assignment on the opposite coast. Three kids, but luckily they're a bit older than yours (13, 9, 6). With age comes additional stressors - getting them to school and all their activities has me feeling like a full-time Lyft driver, oldest is a moody teen, youngest is in the questioning EVERYTHING stage, and they all just miss their mom.

Hang in there.
@chriscb You're doing great. Those nights absolutely suck but you being able to get your head straight, turning it into something positive, and show your kids love despite all if it is A+ dadding right there.
@chriscb My 4 year old is in a phase where she wakes up more nights than she sleeps through - "I have to go potty" "I don't feel good" " I have a cough" "I don't like my stuffy in bed" "I don't want pants", ad infinitum.

What she really wants is to spend a little time with us. It's frustrating sure, but I've taken to just using the time to sit with her and listen to my audiobook with her. (Another reason I can tell she just wants a little company - she's willing to do whatever, even things she'd be super bored with in waking hours) Sure I'm tired, but it's a lot more enjoyable than just getting frustrated at her - for both of us. Last night we listened to the trailing chapters of book 5 of Lord of the Rings.

Your story reminded me a lot of that :)
@chriscb I do this with bike maintenance. 3 year old starting to melt down? "Hey, Daddy needs to fix his bike, come help." Spend ten minutes in the garage with the bike on the stand just checking the shifting, and checking tire pressures. Completely disarmed.