Solo-dadding for 3 days while wife is gone, and just took it from a 0/10 night to a 10/10 morning

@chriscb My son didn’t sleep through the night unless being held around the 1yo-2yo timeframe. There was a Black Friday laptop sale going on that I wanted to get. Thanksgiving night came, I could tell he wasn’t going to let someone sleep and it might as well be me. I stood in line the whole night with my sleeping angel fooling everyone else in line.

In the intervening 20ish years we have concluded his fussiness was probably ear infections.
@chriscb Totally random, but, I just saw a video on instagram where this guy finished making a brisket and slid the bones right out and then use the bones to show the amazingness of the meat and “cut” it with the bone. I hope you achieve this level of meat mastery. :D my kids are about the same age apart. I get the whack a mole and feel it in my soul.
@chriscb I did this when my daughter was 1! She is 2 1/2 now and is my little helper! She loves helping with putting the binder all over the meat, and spritzing!

Hopefully soon she’ll decide she actually wants to taste what we just made.