Solo-dadding for 3 days while wife is gone, and just took it from a 0/10 night to a 10/10 morning

@chriscb I love feelings like this. The “fuck it, let’s party” switch. My son once woke up at 3 and stayed awake. I couldn’t fix him so at 4am I popped on He-man and we pretended we were super heroes. Then at 5am we went outside to play and watch the sunrise with a hot cup of coffee. Then he was passed out at 6 and I got to drink coffee and make breakfast with a quiet house.

Still one of the best morning I’ve ever had.
@cough Bone-in Boston Butt (shoulder in this case). 250 degrees at 1.25 hours per pound. If you do it the CORRECT way — eastern NC style — you’d just rub it with paprika, salt, pepper and maybe a little corn starch to crisp the skin with some nice chunks of hickory.

After it’s finished, wrap it in butcher paper or foil and let it sit for 45-60 minutes. Shred it, give it a good once over with a choice vinegar based sauce and you’re good to go.

(Side note — Anthony Bourdain has stated publicly that his favorite style of bbq was eastern nc bbq, nbd) :)
@chriscb Dude I absolutely get this. I only have the one, but during those first 4-5 months my wife would regularly come down for her 'shift' to find me passed out on the sofa, while in the kitchen cooled a batch of lemon blueberry poppyseed muffins, a loaf of banana bread and a slab of flapjack.
@chriscb After two kids you learned to wrap your meat! Smart man.

Fellow smoker+dad tip, get your kids a little pretend grill out by your smoker. They'll love "cooking" while you cook (well the two year old at least).
@chriscb You made my day! Sitting here soloing my 1 month old while I prep for a BBQ competition this week. I bet you’ve got some mighty fine meat.
@chriscb Just a small amateur one hosted by a local butcher in Fort Collins, CO. It’s my first time cooking in something like this or for the public with my own food. So pretty pumped.
@chriscb Love this and the other day I was feeling the same way. I went to the freezer to grab my slab of meat and one of the kids left the freezer open. Roughly 24 hours so had to start over. That was so close to my breaking point, I made it through though
@chriscb There’s some deep wisdom in this post — sometimes the best thing you can do is just remove the kid from the center of attention and just do something with your life (with them in tow).

On the weekends I’ve been left alone with our baby girl, when I just get so bored and fed up and tired of doing nothing but “baby”, I just have to acknowledge that — while TECHNICALLY it’s easier to just stay at home with her where all her stuff is — she and I are gonna go on an adventure.

Oh, you’re being fussy and high maintenance? All right kiddo, we’re getting in the car. Pack some diapers, some formula in a Tupperware, and a change of clothes. Let’s go.

There’s a band playing an afternoon show at the bar down the street! Let’s go check that out. I don’t care if you’re fussy. I’ll hold you and dance around with you while we both enjoy some live music and Dad gets to have a beer or two. Then let’s go get some tacos.

It’s WORK with a capital W, but man it makes the day go so much faster, she gets to see the world a little bit, I don’t feel like I just wasted the day, and we both come home a little better balanced and a little happier. And then she sleeps better that night because she just got some stimulation and action.

Point being — have a life. Make your kids part of it. It’s more work to haul them around town than it is to sit at home with them, and they might fuss in the car or be a handful out in public, but it will make you happier.