So this morning I hear my 2.5 yo son yelling “F*ck!!! F*ck!!! F*ck!!! “

@jam44 This morning I heard my son yell "fucking Christ, deeze Legos!" Took me a while, but I realized he was actually saying "fucking Christ, these Legos."
@avona I was raised with the belief that language is not inherently bad, and that includes "bad words". I don't care if a kid says shit, fuck, or god damnit as long he isn't using words to hurt people. You can do irreparable harm with language aimed to hurt and not say a single "bad" word. So emphasis on the words used instead of context or intent has always bothered me.

That said, I have had to tell me five year old he cannot say " this is bullshit" to his mom or in school until he is at least ten years old.

I really hate when anyone makes words themselves bad, they are words. The context and intent of every word means far more than the words ever used. If cursing makes someone upset, it's an easy way to know: I don't want to be their friend.

I fully expect my kid will end up with the same views on language as I argue with my wife who doesn't want him cursing and she has even relented that at least through elementary school, for PTA meetings and the whatnot, we will curb it as much as we can by explaining it's school's problem not ours, but we still need to deal with it.
@deking I studied linguistics in college and I have similar views - even as a fairly religious person.

What I tell my kids is that these words really bother a lot of people and it can be difficult - especially for children - to figure out when they shouldn't be used. Since it's especially difficult for children to know when not to use them, many people get especially upset if they ever use them at all. For those reasons, they shouldn't use those words until they are much older, if then.
@deking We have inadvertently taught both of our kids how to cuss correctly at too young of an age. With both of them we pretty much said, you are only allowed to use those words at home.
@deking I didn't mean it in a judgmental way at all! I just thought it was funny since that would be what most parents would be worried about. I stubbed my toe at about three and my mom heard me whisper, "god damn it that hurt," and she said she couldn't be that that mad considering it was used correctly but still thought it was hilarious. They never fucked around with little fake names for body parts or sex related stuff either. Thats just annoying IMO
@katrina2017 My mom was trying to get my 2.5 Yr old son to go to sleep when she was babysitting for us. He didn’t want to. She swears she heard him say “Fuck fuck fuck”. I think she may be right and I’m both impressed and concerned that he used it in the correct context. Lol
@jam44 When my daughter was younger she made a Lego clocktower with a flag on it. She kept repeating how nice the flag on the clock was. She would not pronounce the L in either word...
@erichartuv Haha. We had a similar issue with our daughter proclaiming that “Churches have clocks”. She got most upset at the fact we didn’t seem to believe her until it finally clicked what she was actually trying to say…
@jam44 When my little one was 3 I had just become a single parent, living in a big house alone for a year with my bedroom up 2 flights of stairs. I recall holding my daughter in my arms, in a hurry somewhere, had her strapped in the car when I forgot something inside, unstrapped her, carried her up the flights of stairs, back to the car, forgot something else so this repeated a few times. I was under alot of stress dealing with divorce and had moved house etc. After finally settling in the car I realised I had now left my phone inside the house on the top floor too.

As I was searching my pockets for my phone very quietly said to myself, "Where's my fukking phone" to which my 3 year old replied "I don't know where is your fukking phone"

I was more careful about what I was saying to myself after that
@jay733 Man, I bet that was a tough time. I’m guessing it put a smile on your face. Kids can be pretty funny at the right time when it’s needed.
@jam44 I smiled later but not in the moment. Obviously I didn't want my child hearing/using such language and my first thought was if her Mom hears that she will be back to the lawyer looking to reduce my access!!! It was a stressful divorce.

However years later I have a most wonderful daughter who's doing great 👍

At 3 years old you know they sound sweet with their soft voices, it did sound funny in the moment and the innocence of how she said it))