So I’m apparently pregnant on kyleena iud

@limetownjack I got my Kyleena put in in September and they said it was only good for 3 years and any time after that it gets progressively less effective, max 4 years.
Update: my planned parenthood person finally called me today at 9:50 pm with blood test results, my hcG after 24 was 175 and she said bc it’s going up so slowly it’s most likely ectopic and I should go to the ER to get the injection medicine.

I went to the closest ER that was in network without realizing it’s a catholic hospital. So after hours, blood drawn, ultrasounds, they told me nothing new. “Too early to tell, we can’t do anything. Come back in a few days” very frustrating to say the least especially since I can feel pressure on my right side of the pelvis and I am slightly bleeding.

I guess we’ll see what happens next.
@akosua I definitely will! I know that’s whati always wish to see on posts like this, so I’ll be here anytime I hear it something new or something new happens
@limetownjack Hi OP. Hope everything from here on out is smooth sailing for you. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’ve never personally had an ectopic pregnancy, but it is a great fear of mine also being on Kyleena. You mentioned you had “more discharge than normal”, is this in relation to period discharge or vaginal discharge?
@limetownjack This happened to me three weeks ago, I got a ruptured ectopic pregnancy with my Kyleena IUD and they had to remove my left fallopian tube. I'm still in shock, but I get better every day. You are not alone, sending lots of strength and love ❤️