So I’m apparently pregnant on kyleena iud

@floppy Yes, it is less likely to be viable for several reasons: 1) It is much more likely to be ectopic, and all ectopic pregnancies are not viable 2) The IUD must be removed, and the removal process may interfere with the implanted embryo 3) The IUD may have already interfered with the implantation process, causing a structurally weak connection which may not support further cell division.

There may be other reasons but those are just off the top of my head. Even seemingly viable embryos which implanted in spite of the IUD have a higher miscarriage rate compared to non-IUD pregnancies.
@eduardov So if one was on the pill and became unknowingly pregnant and continued taking the pill, would the pregnancy eventually fail or would the possibility of the mother miscarrying increase?
@katrina2017 Hi there, I was on birth control pill and found myself pregnant. My ob/gyn told me that the pill would not harm the baby. I forgot how he explained it, but he just said I would be fine and once I found out to stop taking it. Unfortunately I did loose the baby, but he assured me it wasn’t the pill and that miscarriages can happen regardless
@limetownjack Sorry this has happened to you. I had the exact same thing happen to me on the copper IUD, except it was stuck in my cervix and that was how I became pregnant. I also found out on vacation, and I ended up stranded in that country for an additional month. It was one of the worst medical procedures I ever went through.

I wanted an abortion. The embryo was too small to locate, so before I could get an abortion, I had to go to the doctor every other day to get ultrasounds and blood tests to check my pregnancy hormones. The ultrasounds were very invasive too... This lasted about 2 weeks. Once they figured out it was an ectopic pregnancy, they aborted the embryo with methotrexate, and I had to get blood tests and ultrasounds for another few weeks until my pregnancy hormone went down to 0.

It's really important to take it easy. If the pregnancy is ectopic (which is most likely, since you had an IUD), it could rupture at any time and you could bleed out. You're going to be bleeding constantly until you're no longer pregnant.

Regardless, stay close to a bathroom, and stay within your hometown so you can quickly get to your doctor if needed.

Either way I hope this is resolved quickly🫂
@limetownjack This just terrified me… got my Kyleena inserted back in March, I get super light “periods” not enough to use a pad, only a couple liners but I’m always still SO concerned I may be pregnant.
@limetownjack I got pregnant on nexplanon, and had a miscarriage. I'm sorry this happened to you. Keep us updated OP, and I hope things go the way you want them to. I'm keeping you in my thoughts ❤️
@fergie86 I am sorry that happened and for your loss. I have Nexplanon and I’ve never heard of that! Can I ask if it was expired, if you were on meds that interfere, etc. or was it just totally random?!
@akosua Thank you. I wasn't on any meds that could've interfered, it didn't expire for another year and it was basically just a fluke. There's been at least 700 or so other pregnancies on it too, and I wonder how many go unreported.
@fergie86 Oh wow. That’s so crazy. Did you have it for 2 years or 4? I only ask because it’s FDA approved for 3 years, but Planned Parenthood told me 5. Wondering if I should replace it sooner.
  1. That's what PP told me too, then my doc said that it was only approved for 3 years! If I could go back I would definitely have replaced it at the 3 year mark to avoid the trauma of losing that pregnancy.
@fergie86 Yeah I used to have it. But after the last vaccine I got side effects so I just took it out. Now I’m just using condoms thinking about getting an iud soon tho… but paranoid as hell after these comments lol
@lorilyons6 Same. After reading bhernandez’s experience and having a pain on my lower right pelvic area for like a week now, I’m a little paranoid too. I’m not worried about it too much since I’m 28, financially fine, in a long-term relationship, and know how effective this BC is, but this experience has given me a wake-up call. I’ll probably buy a pregnancy test on Friday lol.
@akosua Yeah better to find out lol.. I’m only 18 in a relationship but my boyfriend doesn’t ever want kids .. and I’m not sure .. but I know I definitely don’t want one within like 5-10 years
@lorilyons6 Yeah I will haha. The dollar store is like a block away.
Yes, enjoy your youth and freedom!! When it comes to your boyfriend, is that a fundamental difference? Like are you open to having kids someday long down the road?
Feel free to PM me btw.