@gypsysoule My husband and I moved back closer to "home" after having kids. He was in the Navy so we were used to being away, but he developed a debilitating pain condition and was forced out. He landed a job about a 14 hour drive from our hometown, and we lived there for 6 years where we had both our kids. With his pain condition though, I knew we needed to be closer to my family in particular (his doesn't help us at all).
We've been here for coming up on two years now and it's different than I expected, but we're still 1.5 hours from our hometown so that is the main reason (husband couldn't find a job closer than this in his field which we totally expected). I thought I'd see more of my parents at first, but it really was only about once a month or so. But we all work and have lives, so I've learned to accept it for what it is and be grateful they help as often as they do, especially overnights with my kids.
Lately I've been putting in the effort to catch my niblings' sports events though so I'm seeing a ton more of them now, and it is just awesome seeing my kids form relationships with my parents, their uncles and aunt, and all their cousins. So I think I would have made this choice regardless of my husband's chronic pain condition, although that was the driving force.
HOWEVER, this is so dependent on your family dynamics within your own little nuclear family and your extended family. My family is amazing overall and I knew moving back they would step up to the plate for us, and they have. We also knew my husband's family would still only see us a handful of times in the year, and we'd have to make most of the effort to for that to happen. That's his family dynamic. We also were not greatly attached to the area we were living before, although I do miss it (mostly the climate, it's HOT in the south), and while I really, really hate the politics where I live now, I figured once the kids are a little older I can use my own time to try to change that since I've volunteered in politics in the past.
But to answer your question, I had zero regrets moving away from home, and now I don't have regrets about moving back. It was still a hard decision for us to make and this was something we both wanted to do. You have to weigh the pros and cons for your own family (who has better schools? Cost of living? Better career trajectories? Climate differences? Would your family actually help out, or will there be drama? etc) and you both need to be on board.
In the meantime, definitely start reaching out to find friends and build a village around you. I have a milspouse friend who is INCREDIBLE at this and introduces me to people left and right, even though I think I've lived here longer than her lol. I think your outlook may change some once you have trusted people around you. Good luck!!