Q+A Part 3: Fur babies!

  1. We have 1 cat
  2. She is a 10 year old rescue tuxedo cat. Her name is Cleo, but we call her all sorts of weird nicknames
  3. A Shetland pony, maybe?
  4. We always had cats growing up.
  5. I love both.
  6. Our cat doesn't like other cats, so we won't get any more while she's alive. We would only get rescue animals.
  7. We love our cat very much, and would definitely want her to remain part of our family when we have LOs. I want to prepare her when I am pregnant, to minimise her stress and also worry that she'll be jealous. We will make sure cat is always supervised near baby.
Edit: This is my gorgeous girl https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DGych2WXcAAp2n-.jpg
  1. 5
  2. 2 dogs (Scully and Mulder ages 2.5 and 2, both corgis), 2 cats (Toby and Jory ages 9 and 5) and a betta (Hercules Mulligan age 1.5)
  3. An alpaca! Followed closely by chickens.
  4. Two rats named Alaska and Nebraska
  5. One time my cat Toby brought home a fully cooked piece of bacon. We have no clue where he found it.
  6. Dog, but I like both
  7. I might let the kids get their own pet, but they need to be old enough to understand how to take care of it.
  8. My dogs don't like kids, so we will be doing baby classes with them prior to having kids. I'm hoping that waiting a couple of years they will mature (since they are still young), so that should help too.
@wowol56 How does he behave with your son? Does he try to herd him? I am worried about both of mine, since they don't like kids very much. I'm sure it will help that the kids will be ours, but I still have a lot of training to do with them.
@pazova He basically keeps his distance. He doesn't try to herd him, just avoids him. Our son is a little under two years old, and we're still working on getting him to learn how to approach the dog in a calm way (our son LOVES him and desperately wants to pet him). We have our son feed him treats and that helps, and he hangs out under our son's high chair at meal time for scraps but other than that he usually heads for his kennel when he sees him coming. I was actually kind of surprised because he LOVED kids before we had ours. I'm hoping that they will be better buddies as my son gets older!
  1. I have one pet.
  2. She's a corn snake named Zmeya, which literally means snake in Russian. She's about a year old. She's a shy baby and has never tried to bite anyone. She has pooped on people though.
  3. I would love to have either a dog or a cat. My SO grew up with great Pyrenees and says they are super good with babies if they grew up around people.
  4. I probably had a fish before anything else. Don't remember it's name. Our family's first dog was named Casey.
  5. We found out our two female gerbils were not both female when moving into our new house when I was little. Took the cage out of the van and there were several squirmy pink baby gerbils!
  6. Cats work better with my personality. Dogs work better with my allergies.
  7. Probably? We want to get a dog before a baby but we are also hesitant to get a dog when we both work full time away from home.
  8. So many. Not having enough time for the pet. Pet not reacting well to baby. Baby not reacting well to pet. People appeased some of my concerns in a post I made the other day though.
  1. 3
  2. Pug, and 2 cats. Pug's name is Walter. He'll be 6 next week! We adopted him in 2015. Cat 1 is Lucy. She's about 9. I adopted her in 2008 after I moved into my first apartment when Natalie (stupid kidney disease took her from me in November 2015) got lonely. Cat 2 is Trevor. He's a year and a half old now. We adopted him in September 2016.
  3. Reasonably? I want to adopt a retired racer (greyhound) one day. Unreasonable? A giraffe.
  4. I grew up around animals. The first pet that was "mine" was a grey tabby named Paws, my parents "gave" him to me when I was less than a year old. My first pet that I brought home was a goldfish at the end of first grade from our class's fish tank. He lived for like 5 years.
  5. I have no idea. There are too many.
  6. Yes.
  7. Not before. After, definitely.
  8. Trevor loooooooooooooves to jump on people. Lucy likes to snuggle with my face when I'm sleeping. However, I'm not really concerned with Lucy, as she's also super skittish and doesn't like it when there are loud noises, so, I imagine she'll keep her distance from LO when it's crying. Trevor, however.... who knows with him.
@bernard222 I don't, that's why there's a picture of him standing on our coffee table XD

okay I get mad at him when he treats the litter boxes like a buffet... he knows he isn't allowed in that room! (it's a bathroom!) and yet....
  1. None!
  2. We had/have a beagle named Peach, she’s almost 7. She was originally ours (valentine’s present from SO) but lived with me at my parents house. Mom fell in love with her and wanted to keep her. I refused, till my mom went through some mental health stuff and a divorce, I couldn’t seperate them! Gave her to my mom as a christmas present the one year and she cried. She still calls herself grandma and me mom when talking to the pupper.
  3. MINI PIG! Still trying to convince FH i need one. We also want a pitbull but they’re restricted in Ontario,Canada :(
  4. First pet that i remember was my hampster named deputy!
  5. I have so many i could go on for days!
  6. Dogs. I’m very allergic to cats. I’d consider one if it wasn’t for the allergy.
  7. We have no plans on getting a pet before baby but i know FH wants a dog so so bad in the future. We live with his parents in a basement apartment and they are strictly no pets.
  8. N/A
Baby Peach
Full grown Peach!
@lindalee1456 Isn’t she the cutest?! She’s full grown and gets mistaken for a puppy all the time! I couldn’t seperate my mom and pupper and leave her all alone in a new town after the divorce!
  1. we have one dog
  2. He's a Belgian Malinois and will celebrate his 1st birthday next week!
  3. I think I'd just have a whole pack of dogs
  4. My first pet was a little mixed breed dog who I named Cutes because I was 8 and it seemed like the best name ever. lol
  5. Puppers is gassy when stressed. By gassy I mean he really will clear a room. We took him to a new vet once and while on the table with his butt facing the vet.... he farted, right in the doctor's face. We all smelt it and I awkwardly let the vet, his techs and the assistants know that my dog had indeed began his revenge on them for all the poking and prodding.
  6. I'm more of a dog person, just never made a bond with a cat
  7. It depends on when we get a house. If there's enough time to settle it exit the puppy phase before pregnancy then definitely getting our dog a brother. If not we'll wait until after LO is born, maybe when LO is a toddler.
  8. Our dog is an only child so far so I definitely want to make sure we give him enough attention when we have a LO. I also want to ensure that we do all the prep and training necessary for him to have a comfortable relationship with LO.