Q+A Part 3: Fur babies!


New member
Thanks to /@le4069 for the questionnaire suggestion!
  1. How many pets do you have?
  2. What are they, how old and what are their names?
  3. If you could pick any animal to have as a pet, which would you choose?
  4. What’s the first pet you’ve ever had and their name?
  5. What is your favorite story about your pets?
  6. Are you more of a cat or a dog person?
  7. Do you plan on getting more before and/or after LO?
  8. Any concerns about your pets and having a LO?
Bonus: include pics of your fur babies!!
  1. 3
  2. A horse, a doxie and a cat, all 10 years old. Horse is JayJay, doxie is Ranger but goes by Augie Doggie and the cat is Charlotte but goes by Minister Silly Cat or Silly for short
  3. I've been trying to convince my husband for a mini pig.
  4. I've had pets all my life. At 2, I had a skunk named Moufette
  5. My dog is known to let himself out to pee and close the door after himself.
  6. Dog person all the way
  7. We will add a a Sphynx cat. He will be named Archibald. And a horse or poney for the children at 2-ish
  8. My dog is older and as back issues. He may have to spend time at my parent's house after the baby comes. It makes me horribly sad to think about him. He has been my best friend for a long time.
EDIT : Doggo picture!
  1. Two dogs
  2. They are both corgis. Leia is 5, Ivy is almost 1 year old. Pic of them sleeping together here
  3. I'd choose a dog. You just can't beat those snuggles!
  4. First pet ever.... Hmmm... It'd be a tie between Miss Kitty (orange farm cat) and King (our german shepherd) that I grew up with.
  5. Don't really have a favorite story with my corgs, because they seem to do something derpy just about every day. But, I did have a pet Magpie when I was about 10 at the farm. There was a nest in the bush, and my dad and I thought it would be kind of cool to raise one. So we stole it from the nest once it was getting old enough to be on its own. We fed it dog food and raw hamburger. When you'd come out of the house in the morning it would fly over and land on your arm.
  6. I'm a dog person. I don't mind cats, and I'll always pet one if one comes over to me, but I love dogs.
  7. Not getting any more pets before TTC. Leia and Ivy are enough for our household. But maybe after we have a kid and they get a bit older, we might get another pet.
  8. Only concern I have with my dogs is that they'll get protective of the baby. But it's something we will just have to watch for.
  1. I have two rabbits and a hamster.
  2. The two rabbits are boy Netherlands dwarves called Lupin and Ursa (my little wolf and bear). The hamster is called Rem but she goes by just Ham. The boys are only 6 months old and Ham is about 10 months.
  3. I would probably have a fox. I love watching videos of foxes 'laughing' and they're super sweet animals. Smelly though.
  4. My first pet was a rabbit named Poppy.
  5. Me and my SO used to have a bearded dragon. We live in a a different city to our parents and EVERY TIME our parents visited, the beardie would poop as they were coming through the door and stink the house out. Every time. If he ever had problems pooping, we'd invite our parents round and that always did the trick. Bonus: My favourite pet memory is my boyfriend proposing to me with his mums dog. He tied the ring box around her neck! It was adorable. I'm so surprised she sat still whilst he untied it.
  6. I'm a dog person. I'd happily have cats though but my SO is really allergic.
  7. Were wanting to adopt an elderly Labrador at some point but I know babies around elderly dogs wouldn't be great for the dog. We're still trying to work that out but we're not ready for a dog yet anyway.
  8. I'm not concerned about my rabbits or hamster around children (and the unfortunate truth is that Ham will be dead by the time we have a baby). My main concern is if we get a dog and how to balance the dog having it's space respected etc.
  1. Two pets.
  2. They are both cats. Lily is 11 and Grigio is 3.
  3. Cats! And a tiny little dog who is excited to see me :D (our house is too small for a big dog)
  4. My first "personal" pet was a cat. His name was Pix!
  5. Not sure, too many good ones.
  6. CAT!
  7. Hopefully we'll get more later in life, but not anytime soon.
  8. I am worried the cats will be terrified of the baby, actually :-D
  1. We have one cat.
  2. He is a giant, fluffy, flame-point Ragdoll named Indy (which is short for Independence). My partner rescued Indy on July 4th about 7 years ago. This is not our cat, but he looks exactly like this: https://www.floppycats.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Flame-point-Ragdoll-cat.jpg
  3. If I could pick any animal... oh man. A possum. Or a moose. Possums can bond really strongly with humans if they're raised from babies, and they love to snuggle. Ugh, so cute. Moose are just crazy silly-looking, and I love ridiculous animals. A moose would be a terrible pet though.
  4. The first pet I ever had was a German Shepherd named Schotzy. I was six. We were best buddies. She died when I was seven.
  5. Favorite story about pets... When I was a kid, we had two dachshunds. Our girl dog, Cassie, was ENTIRELY food-motivated and was always trying to steal food. Our boy dog, Buddy, was a total sweetheart and extremely obedient. One fall afternoon, my mom made two pumpkin pies and left them to cool on the counter overnight. When we woke up the next morning, the decorative crusts had been chewed off both pies and bites had been taken out of the center. My mom SCREAMED at Cassie and then stormed off to work. She called me an hour later, after she'd calmed down, and asked me to determine which dog had actually done the deed. I felt their stomachs. "Mom," I said. "It was Buddy." She felt really bad. We made it up to Cassie with extra treats that night.
  6. More of a cat or dog person? I don't know. I love both. Cats are in some ways easier - you can leave them home alone longer. But I'd love to have dachshunds again someday.
  7. We're talking about getting Indy a kitten. He's been giving us signs he wants more stimulation and that he's lonely. We did a smell test last weekend where we rubbed kleenex on kittens at the pet store and brought them home, and Indy didn't react at all. We figure the lack of freakout at the scent is a good sign...
  8. I do worry that if we have kids we won't be able to get dachshunds for a long time. They're difficult dogs and need a lot of attention to train properly. I have no worries about Indy and a baby, though. Indy is the gentlest cat ever.
@jesusismyking2023 Omg your cat is absolutely gorgeous if he looks like that picture!!

I actually LOL’d at your pet story! That’s hilarious!
My BIL has two dachshunds tiny girl pupper and chunky male pupper. We dogsit when they go on vacay and need constant attention (male has seperation anxiety). Once when we were watching them, we ordered bonesless chicken and pizza. While we were upstairs letting girl out, little sneak male pupper snuck downstairs, ate 6+ pieces of crust and an entire order of bonesless chicken 6-8 pieces. FH never gets mad at them, gave him shit and he sulked, super bloated and gassy the rest of the night giving FH his puppy eyes till he forgave him.
  1. Well my husband and I have four dogs and two cats but my parents with us and they have three dogs and two cats. So that's a grand total of seven dogs and four cats for those counting! (Yes, they're all fixed, have their shots, as well as heart worm and flea meds. We didn't mean to end up with this many. A few of them wondered up and we couldn't find homes for them. But they're well loved babies so it's all good :)
  2. Here we goooooooo!
  3. Rosie, German Shepard/husky mix, 12 years old
  4. Tucker, chihuahua, 8 years old
  5. Lola, terrier/mut, 6 years old
  6. Heidi, chihuahua, 3 years old
  7. Buddy, pit bull, 2 years old
  8. Isabelle, Yorkie/poodle, 2 years (Sister to Frisk)
  9. Frisk, yorkie/poodle, 2 years old (sister to Issy)
- Oreo, 4 years
- Thumpurr, 4 years
- Bruce, 3 years
- Gretel, 1 year
  1. Okay, besides a dog probably a fox!
  2. My childhood dog's name was Sniffer-Licker-PlayDough-Puppy-Cookie-Noodle-Jean-Morgan. My parents called him Sniffer.
  3. Hmmm, probably about the time that we went prom dress shopping. I went with my (now husband) boyfriend's mom and sister to look for prom dresses. SIL is special needs and usually very defiant (although that's more a result of MIL's parenting but another story for another time...) MIL proceeds to bribe her to wear a frilly prom dress. The bribes escalate to "Ill buy you a puppy!" My mom and I are like "what the fuck is going on" as we get drug into a Petland. Before we know it my MIL is in the process of buying a $3,000 dog for herself and has told SIL to put the puppy she wanted back. She then declares "Bubbly Brooke! I'll buy you a puppy too! Go pick one out!" My 17 year old brain short circuited. My mom was piiiiissed but did not tell me know. She actually let me decide and then she helped me find the most precious and sickly puppy there. That's how I got Heidi! She cost us a fair bit in vet bills because she was a puppy mill baby and the pet store had put her on a completely random medication that was not treating her kennel cough AT ALL.
All because my MIL is a psycho who likes to undermine the parenting of others. Luckily my mom and I LOVE Heidi so it worked out for the best!
  1. More of a dog person but I love both!
  2. NO! We've gotten to an eyebrow raising number and would definitely like it to go down naturally. No more pets for us for a very long time.
  3. Um, mostly my chihuahua. She's very snippy and doesn't like kids much. Luckily baby gates exist and she's two pounds. I also worry about a baby hurting her because she is so tiny.
I'm also hoping my Pittie calms down a little bit. Right now he loves to run in wild circles around the house which usually results in things being knocked over.
@bernard222 1) One

2) I have a 3yo cat named Sansa.

3) I want a dog as well, preferable a German shepherd or husky. Something big.

4) My parents had a cat named Abbey. She was my parents' first baby.

5) Growing we had many pets: cats, a dog, a rabbit, fish, hamsters. The most interesting story was when I was around 7. I wanted a hamster. We went to the pet store and they said they were pretty sure it was a boy, but it was a little too young to tell. A week later my "boy" had 12 babies.

6) Everyone around me, including myself, has cats. I like both cats and dogs. I'd like a dog though since they are more active to play with and run with and whatnot.

7) No more pets before. I'd like to get my kids their own pet when they are older to teach them responsibility and kind of have a buddy to grow up with.

8) No concerns really. Our cat is very nice and timid. She never scratches or bites. A little concerned about her claws. She isn't declawed because she hasn't tried to hurt us or the furniture so we just keep them trimmed, but she likes to knead us and uses her claws. Doesn't really hurt us, but would probably scratch baby skin so we will just have to watch her. Never seen her around kids, but she has a maternal vibe so hopefully it'll work out.