"pUt YoUr BaBy DoWn GrOgGy BuT aWaKe"


New member
If the goal is to have the baby's eyes spring open like one of those creepy dolls and become completely awake and alert, then thank you - it's working!! /s

Edit: To all of you in the comments section saying that this method works for you, I'm extremely jealous and consider you to have magical unicorn powers.
@katrina2017 sometimes she will decide she wants me to stand and bounce for two hours but if this happens to you where feeding isn't working i have found that bouncing for a minute, calming her, then returning to feeding works like a charm. i once bounced her for four hours and didn't even think about trying to nurse again. they love throwing you curve balls !
@kyleswife2015 Same. Mine is 6 months. And I put her down fully asleep after I’ve breastfed her into a nice slumber and transported her to the crib while trying to not move her at all like I’m holding a bomb about to explode. Works great.
@anne97 Are you still getting up with her in the middle of the night? My 6 month old won't sleep through the night. mommy bloggers and pediatrician say it because I nurse her to sleep. I'd love to night wean but I don't know how and she won't sleep without a good feed.
@writerhomework It’s def not because you nurse her to sleep. Most babies do get up still overnight. Mine sleeps from 8p-6a and doesn’t get up at all and I nurse her to sleep. Babies are just all different.
@writerhomework Our 10 month old girl is still waking up for 2 - 3 bottles a night, which we just give in her crib. She falls a sleep right after again, but it does make me question if it's actually just a habid we taught... There's no way for her though we not give the bottle 🥲 Ah well, I guess it will be over some day.
@katrina2017 This is refreshing to read- most things I see on here are people asking how to stop doing that, or saying it's bad ( but never explaining why). I've been doing it since my lo was born and have no idea why people think it's so horrible at such a young age. My little one is an absolute terror if she's sleepy during the day and doesn't get a bottle (but her naps also seem to line up with food time) .
@humblewatchman It's only "bad" in the sense that it tends to create a habit/crutch (ie. baby won't go to sleep without nursing/feeding). But, I honestly think if you are ok with it then that's all that matters! People have tried to tell me I shouldn't rock my baby to sleep (again, it's a habit we'll have to 'break' eventually) but I don't mind doing it so I don't see the real issue! I still rock him to sleep every night and he just turned 1.
@katrina2017 I do this always because it's the best way my babe falls asleep since Day 1 so it's been my default and I had no idea it's considered "wrong" by some until recently I saw another Mom who made me feel so bad, saying I was creating dependency and my daughter would be 3yo and still needing to breastfeed to fall asleep and I needed to break the habit like, now. That it would be awful for a week but then great!

I got home, sobbed, felt like a terrible Mom, then called a (trusted) friend who was like "your daughter is 2 months old. You are comforting her and she sleeps well and you're both happy. Don't fix what isn't broken."