Please convince me to cosleep

@psalm51flower The pro is that you will be more rested and safer driving to work. That’s what happened for me.

The con is that if you don’t feel comfortable, then it’s not the choice for you.

If you want to give it a try, see how it goes and how it feels for you. If you don’t like it, put baby back in their crib and do your best!
@psalm51flower I had so much anxiety about sleeping with the baby, but I actually put her in danger when I fell asleep sitting up and nursing her. Had I leaned forward the wrong way she could have suffocated. It helped me to learn the risks

There’s a higher risk of being struck by lightening than for your baby dying of SIDS while cosleeping, but this assumes you’re being safe and sober which it sounds like you are!
@psalm51flower I started co sleeping at 4 months and we are so careful. I love it we both sleep better and I feel our bond has grown stronger. You know what’s best for your family. You can always move her back to crib if it doesn’t work for you!
@psalm51flower Just want to say that “cosleeping makes them feed more at night” doesn’t necessarily mean more wakings. My 10 week old only wakes twice a night but she nurses for 18-22 minutes each time. Her daytime nursing length is 8 minutes on average. So yeah she takes in larger volume at night but it’s likely due to going in longer stretches without milk. I must add that my daughter is a side sleeper so her face is always on my boobs and she never woke up just to ask for boob for no reason just because it’s there. We started cosleeping at two weeks old and went from 30 minute cat naps in the bassinet to everyone consistently getting 4-6 hour stretches of sleep
@psalm51flower Bed sharing doesn’t raise the risk of SIDS if you’re doing it properly. Suffocation risks is what’s raised if you’re not following the safe sleep 7.

Also if you’re EBF, you’re already reducing SIDS risks.

My LO (5 months now) actually sleeps throughout most of the night with 1 feeding and he’s pretty much asleep for it/dream feeding, and he’s EBF. He’s been doing this since he was 2 ½ months. We’ve bedshare since being in the hospital.
@hopeful471968 Bed sharing actually does increase the risk of SIDS, even in the absence of suffocation risks, because the infant sleeps more deeply and it’s in the deep stage of sleep that SIDS occurs. That’s why anything that makes the baby sleep deeply - warmer room, prone position, formula, etc. - is a SIDS risk. But the risk is still extremely low! We coslept last night and it’s now 5:30am where I am, and my baby only nursed twice last night which is her usual! I’d happily feed her more of course, that was never my concern. But I’m not the best at side lying nursing yet so when she eats in bed, I can’t really sleep through it because I have to prop myself up, but I’ll keep practicing!
@psalm51flower That’s so interesting. I think I might have misunderstood due to the fact that I breastfeed, and typically breastfed babies don’t sleep throughout the night, yet mine does. 😂

I found that sleeping in the C position kinda naturally lets him latch, but I also wake up as he’s routing in his sleep.
@psalm51flower I am from a culture where every mother co-sleeps with her baby. Me and my now 15 month old are bedsharing since day one. It is the easiest and fastest way to tend to your baby's needs all throughout the night. Plus, you don't have to get up from your bed and run/walk just to find your LO wide awake because s/he had been crying for quite some time. Co-sleeping will allow you, your partner and your baby more time to sleep.
@psalm51flower Just a note on the owlet - in norway they are actively discouraged as they aparently are notoriously unreliable. (According to LUB in norway, our equivaleny of the lullaby trust). There have also been cases of the owlet causing burns.

Not saying this ti shame anyone who finds comfort in using it - just to give some info in case its useful!
@psalm51flower Just a note on the owlet - in norway they are actively discouraged as they aparently are notoriously unreliable. (According to LUB in norway, our equivaleny of the lullaby trust). There have also been cases of the owlet causing burns.

Not saying this ti shame anyone who finds comfort in using it - just to give some info in case its useful!
@psalm51flower I read your update and I’m so happy you got some good rest! And yes it does feel so natural to sleep next to baby. Cosleeping is actually recommended across the pond. So proud for you! This group also helped make me feel so much better about it and for that I thank you all!
@psalm51flower Also wanted to mention that I had supply issues but once we started co sleeping it got better and increasing night feedings can help improve general supply! I still combo feed but I don’t really sweat it about supply anymore.