My postpartum friend, it’s the best choice I could’ve made. Like you, I spent my LO’s first month almost exclusively pumping. When he was only 5 days old, our pediatrician told us he was dehydrated and had severe jaundice. Until that appointment, I had been breastfeeding on demand. My nipples were bleeding, I had bruises on my areolas, he would cry and fall asleep at the breast, he had issues positioning himself for feeding due to torticolis and my supply sucked due to a breast reduction surgery I had. At the baby friendly hospital I gave birth at, of course the lactation consultants told me about stories of women who had mastectomies and were able to breastfeed. They made me think I could do it. I quickly realized that I couldn’t and another lactation consultant told me to pump. I did. I power pumped. I took every supplement and lactation food I could find. I pumped until I got blisters on my areolas and mastitis. I pumped until all I could pump was blood.
I said F that!!! I was doing all of that and I couldn’t even enjoy my baby because of all the time it took.
At one month, I slowly started weaning. All I can say is: I FINALLY ENJOY BEING A MOTHER!!!
Just quit, my dear. Your mental health and YOUR BABY will thank you later!
Hugs and love in this process!!!