@msl74pc My daughter was only 5 lbs 3 oz (born at 37w5d) when she was born due to IUGR, so she was combo fed from the beginning so she wouldn’t drop too much weight. Because she was so tiny, she couldn’t pass her car seat test. When she also failed the car bed test, my doctors sent us to a children’s hospital for more testing.
Since she was early, I delivered via C-section, and the night my milk came in, she got checked into the NICU, our BF journey got really stalled. I was pumping when I could but got sidetracked due to the stress of her NICU stay. I pumped for about 2-3 weeks after we came home (always supplementing with formula).
My mental health was in the garbage. I felt like if I wasn’t feeding her, I was pumping. After I switched to only formula, I’ve never looked back.
My hormones leveled out really fast and the bouts of crying post birth stopped. Baby girl has gained so much weight that you’d never be able to tell she was practically a premie at birth. I never get clogged ducts, cracked nipples, leak throughs, etc. The best part: I always know how much my baby has eaten.