On a first-name basis with 2-yo

@stop_cern_idea I called my husband by his name once. ONCE. And then we spent the next several months trying to get our toddler to go back to calling him “Daddy” instead of his first name 😂. Every now and then she still does it, but like you said, it’s funny.

She has yet to commit my name to memory, or use it. Last time I asked if she knew my name she just rolled her eyes and said, “Mom. You’re just ‘Mom.’ That’s your name, okay?” 😶😂
@stop_cern_idea My daughter called me Lindsay a while back! I hated it, and my husband found it hilarious, until she said to him one night, “Go get a plate, Frank!” We never use our first names, always affectionate nicknames, so it’s very jarring to hear that little voice say our names! I’m assuming she picked it up from going to doctor’s appointments with me 😂
@stop_cern_idea My 3 year calls his dad "Jim" or sometimes "Jim Daddy". Makes me howl. He's done it for ages too so it doesn't look like it's going anywhere soon.

Dad goes upstairs "JIIIIM where are you?!"

Love it so much
@stop_cern_idea Oh man. I had to start calling their dad "Dada" even when I spoke to him directly to correct this exact behavior. yes, an adult in a grocery store calling her spouse "dada" got some looks. It's been a few years now and I still call him "dada" out of habit, even when the kids aren't around... I tried calling him his first name recently and the kids corrected me saying I can't call him that, he is "dada"....
@stop_cern_idea We went through this phase. My husband hated it. Especially helping him in public after being newly potty trained…my 3 year old would say “(husbands name) noooo don’t pull my pants down!” Not a good look. 🤣
He’s now 4 and occasionally calls me by my first name. I think it’s hilarious but try not to give it much attention because otherwise he’d probably do it allllll the time.
@stop_cern_idea Wife and I had to start referring to each other as “mom” and “dad” because our 2.5 year old son started calling us by our first names.

I feel weird about calling her “mommy” in public even with the kids, just because of the looks from other people. I hate how those terms have been s**ualized. Most of the time if we’re looking for each other in a store, we yell back and forth “Marco” “Polo”. My son thinks it’s hilarious.

I would refer to my father in public as a 30-something year old man and my mother would lose her mind telling me it was inappropriate to use my father’s first name.
@stop_cern_idea My son calls me by my first name when he’s annoyed. He’s 22 months. I taught him my name for safety not for attitude lol OR he’ll call me mom or moms instead of mommy just to rile me up lol he’s so silly
@stop_cern_idea We actually intentionally taught our 3.5yo our first names a couple months ago, and she went through a phase of calling us by our first names, which my husband hated but I honestly thought was very funny.
@stop_cern_idea My 3yo has recently started doing this. It’s hilarious. He asked for our names once or twice before that and only then started calling us by first names. It’s only occasionally though. He still mostly says mama and dada.
@stop_cern_idea My 2 year old thinks my name is the nickname my husband calls me (he affectionately calls me monster in his language). She will also occasionally call me that. It's adorable when she wakes up in the morning calling for me with his nickname 🤣
@stop_cern_idea Only me because there’s a little girl with the same name as me at her daycare. I’m “mommy first name” and she’s “daycare first name”. My husband gets to be “daddy”.