On a first-name basis with 2-yo

@stop_cern_idea Mum taught LO that we have names.
- Where’s Jason?
- [pointing] daddy!
- Where’s Jill?
- mummy!
- where’s Jen?
- [taps her own chest]

But she’s not yet able to say them, even when asked.
@stop_cern_idea My nephew did this and never grew out of it! Still as an 18 year old refers to his parents by their first name. So interesting to me! My 2 yr old doesn’t even really understand that mama and dada have other names.
@stop_cern_idea My now adult son went through a stage at two of using my first name. Some people were shocked that I was nonchalant about it.

Kid only heard people using my first name, what do they expect? He reverted back on his own.

We’ve been teaching the granddaughter that we have ‘other’ names, so she knows them if she gets lost. It’s very cute to hear her say them.
@stop_cern_idea My almost 2 year old does this and we just laughed and we're like who? Oh da da or mommy. She loves to yell my husbands name and it's 100% because I yell my husbands name. She does it the same exact way I do it. It's hilarious but mad disrespectful. Obviously she doesn't know better so we just laugh at it and go that's daddy but I think it's important to correct her with that stuff. But that is just my personal opinion.
@stop_cern_idea We intentionally taught my daughter our first name and last name basis and to know us on a first name basis for safety purposes.

When I was younger I got lost and people kept asking me my parents names and I only knew them as mama and papa. It’s my first core memory and it was terrifying bc no one could find my parents.
@stop_cern_idea My son called out his daddy by his first name until the day of his 4th birthday. Suddenly he called him daddy and it almost confused my husband to hear that after so long. I always would refer to my husband as daddy when speaking to my toddler (ex. Sweetheart where did your daddy go? Is daddy upstairs?) but he always would respond with husbands first name. Ever since his 4th birthday it’s like a switch went off and he won’t call him anything other than daddy.
@stop_cern_idea I love that lol. I have an almost 3 year old and I babysit a 2 year old during the day when my 6 year old is at school. It’s been a hassle getting the right names lol for like 6 months the kid I babysit called me mommy and about a month ago he finally started calling me by my name. But now my younger kiddo calls me by my name and not mommy 😂 she also thinks saying daddy’s real name is hilarious so that’s how she gets his attention
@stop_cern_idea I did that with my parents when I was a toddler for like a week. I remember just thinking I heard everyone else call them by their first names, why shouldn’t I too?

It is important that your kids know your names. So, like, yay for that at least, lol? It’ll probably be a passing phase. If not, I’ll give their teachers and your friends something to laugh about later
@stop_cern_idea My 3.5yo calls all of her main caregivers (mum and dad, granny, nanna and grumps) interchangeably by either their title (as above) or their names. Depending on how urgently she wants to get our attention, she will use our names with the right tone we would use lol. She also calls my special needs brother (who she adores and calls her best friend), by all the pet names we have for him, which is just too cute.

My personal favorite part of this situation is how much my MIL hates being called by her first name by a toddler, instead of Granny, and how much I therefore encourage first name basis 😂
@stop_cern_idea All of the teachers at my daughter's school are women. So everyone is Miss. For almost 2 years I was "Miss Daddy" . I think my ex-wife finally corrected her enough that she stopped using it. I miss it 😪
@stop_cern_idea Yes! My almost three year old does this, and after we’ve been around my niece and nephew, it becomes aunt (mom’s name) and uncle (dad’s name). I think it’s hilarious - especially because he knows what he’s doing and knows it’ll make us laugh!
@stop_cern_idea Honestly, it took me so long to teach my kid my first name in case we were separated…it’s good she knows y’all’s names. (My kid did end up lost at a museum briefly 😱and even though he knew my name he was too scared to remember it when an employee asked him.)
@stop_cern_idea I say my husbands name out loud often in our home - usually to get his attention from another room. He almost never says my name. For that reason, both our toddlers will call him ‘hi, first name’ instead of daddy sometimes. Sometimes they call him with the same inflection I use when I call him from across the house or when I’m exasperated with him 🤣
@stop_cern_idea My five year old lol
We have to remind him that we're mommy and daddy cuz frankly...he didn't call us mommy and daddy til he was about 3.5. So I'm taking that as long as I can get.

HOWEVER. It was my fault because I taught him our names in case he ever gets lost lol
@stop_cern_idea My 2 year old calls my husband Mingo (Nico) when he's not listening. It's something she definitely picked up from me, lol 😅.

Otherwise, she calls him Papi or Babe, and I'm always Mama/Mommy/Babe Mommy