On a first-name basis with 2-yo

@stop_cern_idea I taught mine our real names just in case there was, heaven forbid, an issue at school, or she got lost while on an outing, or if something happened to my mom or dad when she's at their house. It ended up being hilarious though because somehow she learned grandma's name, and not just her first name, but her WHOLE name and one day she just busted out with it by telling me she needed a piece of paper and she was going to write "grandma's first and last name". And now she called grandma by her full government name.
@stop_cern_idea Yeah my 3.5 year old calls us by our first names all the time. Here’s an actual conversation from last week:
Me: Let me take your hair elastics out
Daughter: why?
Me: Because they can make your hair fall out
Daughter: ….. then I’ll look like bald ol’ Brian? (Her dad, who is in fact very bald).
@stop_cern_idea My daughter call feminine things Mama and masculine things Dada. With flashcards she can name all them very well but she sees the cow she says Mama! Lol it's so dang cute I just can't take offense.
@stop_cern_idea We taught her our names around age 2 and now at age 3 she still sometimes just casually calls us by name, especially my husband for some reason. Maybe because I use his name more than he uses mine (we usually address each other as "love").

She has a cousin on her dad's side who calls me "mama" when his mom isn't around, not because he thinks I'm his mom but because I'm the closest mama in the vicinity lol. I think that's cute and pretty resourceful as he doesn't seem to know my name yet.
@stop_cern_idea Oh yeah!! I moved in with my parents about a year ago to save up for a house. My Dad calls me by a nickname that I’ve had forever. My mom calls me momma. My son (21 m) calls me by my nickname. 😂
@stop_cern_idea My oldest daughter who's now 5 called me by my name for about 3 days, just out of the blue at first, but I had taught all the kids who can talk our actual names once they said they didn't know any other than Mommy. However as much as I've yelled my husband's name over the years the occasionally call him by his name and it's hilarious how upset he gets over it 😂

Although I wouldn't mind being called Mama Ivy, think I may teach the little one that one.
@stop_cern_idea My 2 year old had a phase around 18 months where she was using my nickname (it's a one syllable word) because she consistently heard other people using it lol

But I don't really see it as bad thing. She also calls every person she sees as a caretaker "mom" 😂 including myself lol

She did stop using my nickname though when she transitioned into calling everyone in the house mom haha
@stop_cern_idea My 3 year old daughter was conversing with a 6 year old over the booth at dinner one time and the little girl goes "this is my mom. Mom what's your name?" And this grown ass woman turns around and goes "I'm holly" and shakes my 3 year olds hand. My daughter then turns on her adult voice and introduces her sister by her name, her dad by his name and then goes "this is mom" so I turned around and said "hi I'm mom" to the other mom. So no I don't have a name.
@stop_cern_idea My 3 yo has recently learned our first names and he does the same he’s also learned about last names and he thinks everything is called “ _____[last name]” Blakey Last name, Teddy Bear Last name. It’s adorable.
@stop_cern_idea Yes! We taught her our names so she could call out to us if needed. She’s trying out Mama, Mommy, Papa, Daddy right now. Our daughter knows our names, but is insistent that her grandma is Mimi and that is her only name.
@stop_cern_idea My, very sassy, almost 4 yo son has been using our first names for quite a while (though I couldn't tell you when it started exactly, over a year ago at least) and it drives his dad up the wall. I try not to give it a ton of energy because I don't like to fuel his shenanigans. I have a 3 syllable name and it's pretty hilarious to hear him say it. Also when he's not very pleased with his dad he calls him by his first and middle name. I should probably teach him my phone number or something to distract him lol.