On a first-name basis with 2-yo

@stop_cern_idea Our 4 year old still has no idea what our names are. His dad has the same name as a character in a show he watches, so he just thinks everyone is talking about that show when they say dad’s name. My name is just a regular word, so I don’t think he really realizes it’s associated with me. I can’t wait until he learns that we have names that aren’t mom and dad. 😆
@stop_cern_idea 3.5 knows our names, her first and last, and 2 yr old sister.

We've been practicing her full name and ours just in case she gets lost or something. Super unlikely to happen with me, but the anxiety demands to be appeased.

Edit to add: She calls us mom/dad and other variations in normal interactions. My name is 3 syllables and uncommon, so she has rarely said my name unprompted.
@stop_cern_idea My husband and his two brothers referred to their mom by her first name exclusively until they were in their mid to late 20s. I was so confused when I first met my now MIL and the boys were saying, "where's Cindy?" instead of "mom." I thought maybe she was their step mom or something.

All the cousins talk about how it was so weird too all growing up together and they just referred to their mom by her first name.
@stop_cern_idea She doesn’t call us our names regularly (I don’t even think she knows mine) but my 17 month old is repeating everything right now and said my husband’s name for the first time today…then kept saying it over and over and over again. I found it absolutely hilarious 😂
@stop_cern_idea Does he know any kids with two moms or two dads? A lot of those families use "mommy (name)" or "daddy (name)" to distinguish between two mommies or two daddies. Maybe he's imitating that usage?
@stop_cern_idea My kid does this but I don’t allow it past a playful time.
Does anyone think it’s disrespectful for kids to call parents by their first names past toddler stage?!?
They are so innocent and little at this stage, who could get mad at them?
But if it continued, I think I wouldn’t like it
@rccocina I personally don't think so. I was actually raised calling my parents by their first names (my younger sister was not) and still do.

Their explanation later on was that they were not used to being parents, used their first names among themselves, and never thought of changing this when talking to me. Who knows.

That's not the reason our daughter adopted the first-name thing, though, since we've never used our first names when talking to her.
@stop_cern_idea That’s how my husband is.
I think his mom call her mom by her first name. I forgot the story.
But my mom would kill me if I called her by her first name!
We have to find a middle ground lol
@stop_cern_idea Whenever our kids try we correct them and tell them “No honey, it’s not ADHDGardener to you, it’s mama”. It’s all personal preference but it’s seen as disrespectful in my culture.
@lucy97 Yeah like my daughter knows our names but we’ve taught her that she only uses them in an emergency, like if she’s lost and someone asks her what her mama’s name is.