On a first-name basis with 2-yo

@stop_cern_idea Yeah, we are mommy and daddy but she overhears us talking to each other (especially when we’re yelling across the house to get the other parent’s attention). So if she wants someone and she’s not getting the desired result she will switch names. Ex: “daddy, come over… daddy? DADDY? [name]! COME HERE!”
@stop_cern_idea My 4yo does frequently but we have a bit of a weird situation. I’m bonus mom so I wasn’t least “mom” and sometimes he’ll revert back to my name because that’s what he used when I first met him.

He’ll also call his dad by his name sometimes and that always gets a little wild because he has a half brother on his bio moms side with the same name as his dad and he will think of his brother after saying the name. And then every sentence we’re trying to figure out if that was about brother or dad.

Also I share a name with bio mom, but not the name he uses, and he will get confused by that sometimes.
@stop_cern_idea When we taught our kid our first names he would only call us by them for a few weeks. Now, he will call us by our first names if he doesn’t get an instant response from mama or dada. 😂
@stop_cern_idea So funny! There was a 3 yo at my son's preschool who would also only refer to her parents by their first names, when talking about them and talking to them. I thought it was hilarious, and I think it has to do with kids overhearing how you speak to each other.
@stop_cern_idea Our 2 y/o knows both our names and will use them interchangeably. If she really wants our attention she’ll always revert to mom/mama or dad/daddy.

I think those who think it’s disrespectful are off their rocker. It’s your name, grow up.
@stop_cern_idea Yes my 3 year old went on a kick of just calling me by my first name. I think they reach a stage of becoming obsessed with the name of things/people and then only want to use that. Like when she was 2 would always be like “what’s his name” (referring to the most random item like a toilet and then calling it “Toileter”)
@stop_cern_idea My toddler knows my name, my husband’s and my mom’s. Randomly she’ll call us by our first names. The other day I was driving and out of the blue she says, “Ashley, I need you to go really fast right now”
@stop_cern_idea My 3 yr old likes to remind us of his name🤣 then he usually starts with asking us who we are and what our name is and will do exactly the same as your LO but for like half the day. It tickles me lol
@stop_cern_idea We've gone over "real" names with our kiddo since he was little just in case he lost somewhere and has to ask a grownup for help. Most of the time he'll ask for Mommy or Daddy, but sometimes if I yell for my spouse I'll hear a little echo in the background "Partner's name, where are you???" from my little. It's hilarious.
@stop_cern_idea My 2.5 year old will copy me when I yell for my husband. We’ve explained to her that she calls him daddy but his friends call him first name. She still occasionally calls him his name. I can’t bring myself to yell daddy across the house!

She knows my first name too and sometimes says it. But usually she says your name is mommy
@stop_cern_idea My oldest said duck, then daddy, then many words, then mommy. And he called every woman he saw mommy or mama. The only way I knew he meant me was the high volume MAH that he used to reference me instead or mama.