OAD by choice - when did you/your S.O. get a vasectomy?

@jenny777 Daughter was 3 years old and we set up the appointment. I had tried IUD and it gave my large ovarian cysts, so we had been using condoms. Now we have a beautiful smart and fun 7 year old! Life is good!
@jenny777 Our son will be 21 months when husband gets it done. I wanted us to be sleeping more and enjoying parenting more before we made the final call.
@jenny777 My husband got his done when our daughter was 9 weeks old! No regrets and now we don’t have to worry about an oops baby once we’re intimate again since I still haven’t gotten my period at 14 weeks PP.
@jenny777 After giving birth, I got a copper iud and planned to use that as our BC for the next 10 years. My body had other plans though and my IUD moved around and I had to have it surgically removed. As soon as that was over my husband very willingly scheduled his vasectomy and told me I’d been through enough. We are very happy with our decision.
@jenny777 We pretty much already decided to be OAD before I gave birth, but after our son was born we both agreed this was it for us. My husband got a vasectomy 3 months later.

We love our kiddo (currently 11 months) but we are exhausted and don't know how we would even survive another one
@jenny777 We just locked in with certainty a few months ago. I have a snip snip consultation Monday.

We decided if our mind changes (doubt it) we would adopt or foster rather than try to reverse.
@jenny777 We waited until she started grade school lol. I think it could’ve been done sooner, but my husband dragged his feet and then Covid happened. We probably could’ve done it when she was 4 (that was our original planned age gap).
@jenny777 My pregnancy and birth was a hot mess and we don’t have much help plus we want to travel and save for college for him- OAD it is!!

Planning on it next spring/summer. one of his friends is getting one too next year so we joke they should go together.
@jenny777 My son is about to turn 4 and my husband just got his vasectomy. Sometimes we think about what life would be with more than 1, but it’s a financial decision for us. We can’t provide for more than 1. So we did what we had to do.
@jenny777 I was due in the month of May, 2017. My husband had his vasectomy in February, 2017. My pregnancy was so awful and traumatic that we were 100% certain that we wanted to be biologically OAD even before delivery. We told ourselves that if at some point we felt we really needed to add to the family, we could consider adoption. But honestly, it’s always felt right as the three of us, so we’re happy staying OAD forever. 🥰
@jenny777 LO was 4 months old when SO got his vasectomy. Our daughter's almost 5 now and neither of us have had any regrets so far. It's great being able to focus just on her. I get to volunteer in her preschool class, I'm even working again as a substitute teacher. It's been great for us.