OAD by choice - when did you/your S.O. get a vasectomy?

@dpfocanil Thanks for the info, I will talk to my dr soon and I want to be informed when choosing my treatment! It was very helpful, so happy to see that you have it under control… PMDD is no joke.
@amaui It really sucks so hard. I got my period when I was 10 and spent those first 7 years absolutely miserable, physically and mentally. Going off the pill to get pregnant was the same. Bodies are so wild and I hope you find what works for yours!!
@jenny777 I’m following this because we’re due in June and figuring it out too 😂

We’re tentatively planning for him to get snipped over Thanksgiving or Christmas. We’ve already hit the deductible with my prenatal care and he gets decent time off at work so it makes sense to line it up with holidays for PTO
@jenny777 9 months after our LO was born. It is a little sad but mostly because, in a different world (or even a different country) we would have liked to have 2. But here in the US, not knowing how the future is going to look and without universal healthcare, childcare, public university, etc. we decided that we could provide the best life to one child and didn’t want to risk anything accidental.
@jenny777 I have a 10 month old.

I got an IUD a month or two pp and I'm terrified at the thought of getting pregnant again for various reasons... Because I am the one that is definitely OAD I'm choosing to get sterilized. I chose this over my fiance getting a vasectomy because I want to make it 100% impossible for me to get pregnant again. No matter the situation.

Vasectomies can fail and I'd have to bear the consequences of that failure. And God forbid any other abuse happens I won't end up pregnant from it...

I needed to never be pregnant again, ever. So I'm taking control of that. I'm getting a bilateral salpingectomy done in May a week and a half before my daughter turns one.
@jenny777 I got The Big Snip (bilateral salp) when mine was 10. My husband maybe would have gotten a vasectomy if I pressed, but I definitely never want to be pregnant ever again, so I took it upon myself.
@jenny777 I had my son young, in my first marriage. I knew I didn't want more so I got an IUD as soon as I was able. Eventually my ex-husband and I split and when I started seeing my now fiancée, I said that I was fairly certain I didn't want to have any more children and my fiancée didn't want to have kids either, so I got a bilateral salpingectomy (tube removal). My fiancée is a trans woman, so between hormones and possible surgery, it's nearly impossible for me to get pregnant anyway and it's such a relief to have a now 18 year old and the freedom to live our lives the way we see fit.
@jenny777 We went into pregnancy confidently OAD and since we maxed out our out of pocket for the year w the birth we snuck vasectomy in the calendar year too. Baby was born in October, husband got snipped in December
@jenny777 The first one was 1.5 years before conceiving our surprise OAD (he passed the 4 month post-op sperm check with a 0 sperm count but apparently miracles exist and bodies can heal). The second one when I was 7 months pregnant - the looks I got picking him up from the hospital were hilarious.
@jenny777 I am 32 and my husband is 35, our daughter is almost 3. Had a vasectomy last summer. I can not be on the pill for health reasons and when I was brainstorming contraception with him he said he doesn't see the point of putting myself through that and we are almost sure we don't want a 2nd one so why not a vasectomy? I was back and forth for a few months, it was definitely harder for me emotionally so it took me a couple of months to accept that this is indeed the best solution. In the end I realised that I was more terrified to have a surprise pregnancy more than I was sad ovet the oad decision
@jenny777 I got a 5-year IUD right away. When it’s time to remove it he’ll get a vasectomy most likely. If we still feel only 99% sure I’ll probably switch to the pill again for a bit
@jenny777 Got my vasectomy at the end of my wife’s second trimester. Post birth she ovulates monthly and it would be difficult to schedule it now so thank god.
@jenny777 I was going to get my tubes removed right after having her, but my mom talked me out of it. I waited until kiddo was like a year and a half before I got the procedure done
@jenny777 No vasectomy yet- my husband is making his appointment ‘soon’ lol

We decided to be OAD when my son turned 4. He’s 4.5 now, so we are now looking into the more permanent vasectomy.
@jenny777 My son is 3, and my husband has his referral in for a vasectomy, but Healthcare here is a gong show, so I'm not sure when he'll actually get an appointment for the procedure.
@jenny777 We had initially thought we'd have 2 kids, not for any good reason just because it's sort of the standard I guess. My son was not the easiest as a baby or a toddler. When our only was around 10 months I asked my husband what he thought about a second. He looked at me and said, "honestly, I'm thinking about getting a vasectomy." And I agreed with him. We talked over the more serious talking points first of course, but honestly, I was 35 at that point, our kid wasn't sleeping through the night yet (and wouldn't be for another 3 years apparently) and I couldn't see myself going through the whole process again. Then there were financial reasons, we live in a HCOL area and are lucky enough that we can live off my husband's salary alone and I can be here in the day for my son. If we added a second that wouldn't really be possible, and I would have to go back into sales (which I loathe). So with just the one I could focus on a job I love (part time personal trainer) while being home for my son when he's out of school. He scheduled the consultation for a vasectomy within the week. I think our only hiccup was that my husband didn't pick up his pain meds on the way home because he was still numbed by the stuff at the office so he thought he didn't need it. Then after sitting at home for a while he the meds wore off and he was in too much pain to go drive to get the script so I had to get it for him. So definitely make sure to get those pain pills before the numbing agent wears off!
@jenny777 He got it last year when our son turned 18. We knew for way longer but I always had an IUD to help with my really bad periods so it wasn’t a huge priority for us.