Help me think through this "silly" worry? [vacations + OAD not by choice]

@kosherinchrist We love being on vacation as a family of three, but we enjoy going places with other families, too. In October we are renting a beach house with a family we are friends with, and in December we are going on a cruise with my SIL, her family, and another family of mutual friends. We are so looking forward to both!
@kosherinchrist You could also look at it like you will be able to go on MANY more vacations too from a cost perspective. Also you had multiple kids with an age gap, your oldest would miss out on some stuff that your youngest couldn't do yet. My uncle has three girls, but he took the oldest alone to Disney because it was cheaper and the other two would be too young to enjoy it fully.
@nickali Thats so true and such a helpful perspective. Love the trips!! And yes, the age gap would most likely create situations I can't even (and don't necessarily want to lol) fathom right now.
@kosherinchrist I have a brother, but my fondest vacation memories were with my cousins and a friend I met on vacation. The latter I met when we were both 7 and I'm still friends with her now that we're 36. She was a witness at my wedding.
@kosherinchrist First…I also had accreta, and it’s also a big part of why we are OAD. Hugs.

I’m an only, and my parents would allow me to invite a friend on some of our vacations. It was so much fun! I also enjoyed our trips with just the three of us.