My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

@3007 I remember once having a fever, I think my temp was like 104F and I was delirious and could barely keep my eyes open and my husband was stuck on the bus on the way home from work. I was weeping and my poor 2 year old was so confused 😕 I put Miss Rachel on for her and lay down on the floor and couldn't move. When he eventually got home I went to bed and slept for about 14 hours, it was unreal! At that point I was wondering whether I wanted two kids, as if I ever got sick with two of them how would I cope?! I do now have two kids... 🙈🙈🙈
@3007 My three year old pushes me to my limit daily and I feel like a terrible mom. I never thought I would raise my voice to my children but oh man the struggle is real. I'm reading a bunch of books on how to regulate myself so that I can keep calm. The good news is it's working slowly and I'm learning a life skill I should have learned at 3 years old myself hahaha
@3007 Threenagers… too smart to fall for any of the old tricks, too little to control any of their impulses or emotions. Suddenly they don’t want hugs and kisses anymore?! It’s like having a tiny volatile 13 year old.
@3007 My son turned 2 yesterday and last night I was looking at pictures or him as a newborn. I'm also unwell. Broke my heart. I cant imagine him turning 3.