My husband didn’t know our son’s full birth date

@keepitsimple144 I have a 9 month old so my husband hasn’t done this yet. But I guarantee he will one day. Sometimes the things he says I’m like seriously?! But reading other stories like this makes me feel better. Just know you aren’t alone!
@keepitsimple144 I have to math every time I need to know these things. My older 2, I remember their years, but have to math their ages. My youngest, I remember her age, but have to math her year. It makes no sense, but some of us are really terrible with dates. If this is his only fault, I think you can forgive him. 🫠
@keepitsimple144 I'm bad with dates. My mom texts me to remind me of my anniversary. I have both forgot my husband's birthday, my own birthday, and filled out my husband's birth year wrong on paperwork. While checking my 4mo into the ER and asked for his birthdate I stared blankly at my husband until he told the receptionist. I only have my older kids birthdays down because I have been filling out all their paperwork for the last 4 and 6 years. If I wasn't the one who did the paperwork I would be counting backwards from the current year with their ages to find their birth years just like your husband did.
@keepitsimple144 I have to be honest, a lot of the time I can't remember two of my kids birth dates. I got one of them wrong just yesterday at the dentist.

I'm sure you are right and your husband is a total doofus in this case, but sometimes it really is just bad memory.
@keepitsimple144 My Dad had to call and double check my birth year pretty much every time he signed me up for soccer. My husband couldn't remember one time if our son's birthday was the 30th or 31st. He is 2.5 yrs old. He still can't remember his Mom's birthday if it's the 2nd or 3rd. It's not from a lack of care or love. Neither of them have ever forgotten my birthday. Some people just suck with dates.
@keepitsimple144 I’m the mom. Had a scheduled induction turned c-section and then a planned c-section. Still have to pause and give a lot of thought to the year. I am a very responsible mom of two working in a high responsibility. Some days our brains just blank of information.
@keepitsimple144 Eh, I don’t think this is that big of a deal. If you hadn’t been there I’m sure he would have figured it out, right? I’m pretty good with dates but I cannot remember my own age (had to do the math recently), I constantly think we got married a year later than we actually did, and I feel like I’m doing mental gymnastics trying to remember what year my son was born (and he’s only one!) because he was due in December but born in the new year and for some reason that really twists my brain.
@keepitsimple144 This is especially egregious to me bc of the number of times parents get asked for this info. Your husband must have never gone to or scheduled a doctors appointment? Sounds like some redistribution of labor might be in order.
@keepitsimple144 My son is 6 and when I have to give his birthdate I always have to take a minute to think about it. I definitely get the frustration though. Especially if this is piled on top of a bunch of other things
@keepitsimple144 I have totally gotten the birth dates and years wrong for my kids on those bounce waiver things. And I gave birth to them. Maybe chill out a little bit and laugh a little more.
@keepitsimple144 I have to think about my own kids’ birthdays for a hot second most times. I’m so conditioned to people asking for MY birthday.

They’re 4, and they have the same birthday. 😂

My dad often asked mine or my sister’s birthday when filling out forms or calling the doctor’s office. It was a laugh it off kind of thing. I’m sorry you’re upset.
@keepitsimple144 I don't know my nephews/nieces birthdays/years and I'm a little dicey on the years my sisters were born but you kinda gotta know your child's birthday... Kinda a memorable day. For the record I also know my wife's birthday + year.
@keepitsimple144 Mine wrote “1988” (his birth year) in place of our daughter’s birth year, 2021 on the acknowledgement of paternity paperwork.

When my son was born I pre-filled everything out before my c-section and asked all the nurses to double check ANYTHING they ask him to sign lol.

He knows all the info but looks to me for confirmation because he will sometimes mix up our phone numbers or the numbers in birthdays and I have to correct him. 😅
@keepitsimple144 My husband mixes up the kids’ days. He knows the month, but one kid was born the 8th and the other was born the 9th (different months). But he knows month and year. Just double checks with me on day
@keepitsimple144 Ngl my husband forgets our sons date of birth he knows it’s June 2023 but never remembers the day 😂 and I’ve caught my self saying the wrong day too 🫣 I say 6/26 (which is my induction date) and he was born 6/28 🫠