My husband and I just got a call after my 14 m.o. daughters’ first week at a new daycare…

@mariskawisse95 Same, we were originally looking at $2500 a month for both, but thankfully the cost lowering programs kicked in before our twins started, now we pay $18.27 a day per kid, which works out to around $800 a month for both. Thank god, because I only take home about $2,600 per month.
@daleksteve No, they aren't monsters. They may be bleeding staff as they should if they're also paying their workers below going rate. This does sound like a newbie owner that doesn't know how to set reasonable rates but...monsters? Really?
@ncyks55 I meant that my babies were acting like monsters, not them. The owners are absolutely lovely people, by all accounts! It’s only a week, but we’ve been super happy with them.

I just worried that my girls were being super difficult and they’re trying to find a way to get us to leave without having to tell us that our girls are little hellions. I have no reason to think they’d do that. I’m beginning to realize how silly it sounds.
@daleksteve Nope. These days if a daycare doesn't want you they will boot without a second thought! Though the nice ones will usually try and work out stuff behaviorally first.

I do think its fair to ask why the sudden increase. If this is happening across the board I wonder why they didn't just say, I bet they have everyone asking. But you could see how the answer strikes you. I would certainly ask but im nosy and have worked in ECE a long time. :)

I do think that if there's a second hike less than a year from now I would side eye that as instability (not necessarily personal, it could even be their lease being jacked up or whatever) and worry about potential closure in the future. But I bet a lot of places are having to increase rates this year.
@daleksteve Wow it’s so interesting how much prices vary! We pay $500 a week for both of them in NY but we aren’t in the city. It’s SO much money here and most of my paycheck is paying daycare, except I also carry the health insurance so we are making it work
@daleksteve My mother ran three group centers for my whole life (30-50 kids were the smaller centers, 100 at the others). Price increases happened annually, but only about 25.00 at a time (and there was a family discount on the 2nd/3rd child). Poor practice if you ask me...
@daleksteve BC Canada. It’s only for daycare centres which is fine as the centre is at the university my husband works at, and we prefer centres as home based if the teacher is sick the centre shuts down. In the centre if someone calls in sick then they have other staff to rely on. We just had an open house the other day and just found out all the staff have been there since 1992-1995!! Insane retention!