My husband and I just got a call after my 14 m.o. daughters’ first week at a new daycare…

@mariskawisse95 Same, we were originally looking at $2500 a month for both, but thankfully the cost lowering programs kicked in before our twins started, now we pay $18.27 a day per kid, which works out to around $800 a month for both. Thank god, because I only take home about $2,600 per month.
@daleksteve No, they aren't monsters. They may be bleeding staff as they should if they're also paying their workers below going rate. This does sound like a newbie owner that doesn't know how to set reasonable rates but...monsters? Really?
@ncyks55 I meant that my babies were acting like monsters, not them. The owners are absolutely lovely people, by all accounts! It’s only a week, but we’ve been super happy with them.

I just worried that my girls were being super difficult and they’re trying to find a way to get us to leave without having to tell us that our girls are little hellions. I have no reason to think they’d do that. I’m beginning to realize how silly it sounds.
@daleksteve Nope. These days if a daycare doesn't want you they will boot without a second thought! Though the nice ones will usually try and work out stuff behaviorally first.

I do think its fair to ask why the sudden increase. If this is happening across the board I wonder why they didn't just say, I bet they have everyone asking. But you could see how the answer strikes you. I would certainly ask but im nosy and have worked in ECE a long time. :)

I do think that if there's a second hike less than a year from now I would side eye that as instability (not necessarily personal, it could even be their lease being jacked up or whatever) and worry about potential closure in the future. But I bet a lot of places are having to increase rates this year.
@daleksteve Wow it’s so interesting how much prices vary! We pay $500 a week for both of them in NY but we aren’t in the city. It’s SO much money here and most of my paycheck is paying daycare, except I also carry the health insurance so we are making it work

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