My husband and I just got a call after my 14 m.o. daughters’ first week at a new daycare…

@daleksteve $480/week for a younger toddler would be a steal here. We are finally starting a preschool and it’s $350/week and it’s the cheapest we’ve found anywhere. It would have been $500-600+ per kid here at 14 months.

But having said that, that’s a huge jump! Are they giving you a heads up prior to the increase? Our school will be going up slightly come September and they sent us an email this month before we even started to let us know.

We also have a sibling discount. Is that something they are willing to offer or already offer?

We have been paying over a $1000/week for 32ish hours of nanny care since the kids were born. It’s extremely rough!
@daleksteve That’s so frustrating and seems unfair! And also, twins are harder than they expected? I’m sorry, what?! They are childcare professionals, no? It’s like having two new kids start at the same time to them, which happened all the time when I worked in daycares in college and we didn’t charge people more for that.

Is there anywhere you can take them?
@daleksteve This is wild to me… there should be a set rate. They should increase the rate because a child is more work than some other children, unless that child is special needs and needs 1:1.

I would be searching for new child care because that’s not fair.
@chasullivan Our girls are pretty average 14 month olds, as far as I know. They’re pulling up and taking small steps, but not walking. They crawl and butt scoot plenty. From what Ive observed they play really well with other babies. No special dietary needs either. 🤷‍♀️
@daleksteve We pay a higher rate than that in our area but what I don’t understand is why they are just increasing your rate? It shouldn’t matter if you have twins or not. My understanding is the slot has X number of slots and those slots get filled with kids. So a singleton could be more difficult than either of your twins but are they then charging a higher rate to that family? This seems super shady and there should be some disclosure in a handbook or whatever that they reserve the right to charge higher rates for difficult children if they are doing X, Y, and Z and we will provide this type of proof. I would absolutely fight this and/or switch centers (which I know sometimes isn’t an option).
@chestertonleddihn I'm a SAHM too but I'm in school fulltime. He works and provides very well, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the club sometimes. Bartending at a gentleman's club and walking out with $700-$1500 a night on average is hard to walk away from. I couldn't imagine paying that much for daycare and making less than 100k a year each! At that point you're just working to pay someone to be with your children and not much else. But, I'm getting older and that's not going to be an option forever so computer engineering it is!

Guess I'll sleep when I'm dead lol.

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