My 4 y/o told me her teacher took her to her house


New member
My daughter told me her teacher took her to her house because she's a good girl and she's quiet. Now to me this is highly inappropriate, she has a a total of 4 teachers and she stated that there was another girl there but she doesn't go to her school nor does she remember her name. Mind you my 4 year old is very intelligent for her age she comprehends very well and she scored a 56/36 on her preschool screening. I say all that to ask if I should take this with a grain of salt or what should I say to the teacher without coming off the wrong way?
@samsterzz Is your daughter in school regular hours or does she ever go to morning/after care? If regular hours, I feel like it would be almost impossible for the teacher to sneak off with a child. I wonder if she maybe took her to the break room or something?

I would ask your daughter more specifics - specifically if her teachers house was at school or if she had to drive there. Also ask what she did there.
@samsterzz Have a chat. As intelligent your child is she is still 4 and is still a very young child.
Don't always jump to the worst conclusion without actually having a chat

If there are other teachers there then ask them.,

"My kid said the funniest thing that teacher X took her to her home last week" and gauge their reaction.
@samsterzz On the one hand this is scary and I’d be very concerned

But like, is this feasible?

My son is 4 and just told me he went to Mexico (didn’t even know he knew this was a country). So without more context it’s hard to say.

If you think it’s a real possibility, then absolutely take it to the Director.
@samsterzz My four year granddaughter tells me her dad bought her a helicopter. When I ask if I can ride it in it, she tells me it's in the shop and I have to wait until it's fixed.

Four year olds are really good at imagining things.

By all means check into the story, but fanciful tales are absolutely a normal part of childhood development at this age. So I wouldn'tv be to quick to assume it's true without more details. It kinda sounds like your daughter wants you to know the teacher thinks she is a good kid. Fwiw.
@samsterzz My four year old boy makes up shit all the time based on stories he hears. And every made up story has him as the main character.

Investigate but don't assume that every word that comes from a 4 year old is objective truth.
@samsterzz Check into this immediately. Yes, she could be imagining or mistaken, but the “good girl and quiet” sends off alarm bells for me. Does the school have cameras? Either way, request a conference with the head of the school and go from there.
@samsterzz I would dig a bit into this but since it is a 4 year old I can think of a few ideas.
  1. She doesn't yet distinguish memories from dreams.
  2. She was for some reason in other classroom/office and thinks it was a teacher's home
  3. She was playing house with the teacher.
If it was a public preschool I find it highly improbable that teacher would be able to sneak away with a child, and come back, without rising any concerns.

Then again I only have my country and my preschool as a point of reference.
@samsterzz Both, you need to talk to someone about it but also realize she could just be making it up. Just don't jump to either conclusions until you have all the facts.

To be fair to your daughter my son was that age when he came into the living room saying someone was knocking on the door. I assumed he had dreamt it because he was rubbing his eyes and looked like he just woke up. I took him and put him back in bed and looked out the door to check and didn't see anyone. I was still sure he dreamt it but just in case I went and asked dad and our friend and they both said they heard knocking but assumed it was him. I am a huge horror fan do you can imagine what went running through my head at that point. He slept with me for the next several nights. It turned out it was a bunch of asshole teenagers who did doghnuts in one neighbors yard while drunk. They used to let another neighbors horses out. And they liked fucking with my toddler.

It's always better to follow up. Yes, young kids do make up stories and are really imaginative but it isn't always easy to tell the difference between what is real and made up so it's always better to follow up.
@samsterzz My 2 y/o calls his daycare "miss __________'s house" (leaving her name out for privacy). Your 4 y/o could be mistaking something... But at the same time they could be spot on, which I agree would be highly inappropriate. I would take a few breaths and calmly talk to that teacher in private first. Get a feel for the situation. If it is something inappropriate, bring it up to higher ups.
@samsterzz Would it even be possible for your student to be taken to a teachers house?
What is the school setup like?
It would be about impossible for any of my kids to be removed from their schools and taken someplace without it being noticed. There’s staff everywhere and teachers can’t just take children at will.

Also my 5yo still thinks his teacher lives at school sometimes. Kids can be smart but they don’t often comprehend that teachers have full lives outside of school.
So maybe your daughter was taken into the office or to a staff lounge to get a reward for good behavior?
You could definitely formulate an e-mail to the teachers saying hey this is what I heard from my daughter, would you mind explaining it to me so that the situation makes sense.