My 4 y/o told me her teacher took her to her house


New member
My daughter told me her teacher took her to her house because she's a good girl and she's quiet. Now to me this is highly inappropriate, she has a a total of 4 teachers and she stated that there was another girl there but she doesn't go to her school nor does she remember her name. Mind you my 4 year old is very intelligent for her age she comprehends very well and she scored a 56/36 on her preschool screening. I say all that to ask if I should take this with a grain of salt or what should I say to the teacher without coming off the wrong way?
@samsterzz Is your daughter in school regular hours or does she ever go to morning/after care? If regular hours, I feel like it would be almost impossible for the teacher to sneak off with a child. I wonder if she maybe took her to the break room or something?

I would ask your daughter more specifics - specifically if her teachers house was at school or if she had to drive there. Also ask what she did there.
@samsterzz Have a chat. As intelligent your child is she is still 4 and is still a very young child.
Don't always jump to the worst conclusion without actually having a chat

If there are other teachers there then ask them.,

"My kid said the funniest thing that teacher X took her to her home last week" and gauge their reaction.
@samsterzz On the one hand this is scary and I’d be very concerned

But like, is this feasible?

My son is 4 and just told me he went to Mexico (didn’t even know he knew this was a country). So without more context it’s hard to say.

If you think it’s a real possibility, then absolutely take it to the Director.
@samsterzz My four year granddaughter tells me her dad bought her a helicopter. When I ask if I can ride it in it, she tells me it's in the shop and I have to wait until it's fixed.

Four year olds are really good at imagining things.

By all means check into the story, but fanciful tales are absolutely a normal part of childhood development at this age. So I wouldn'tv be to quick to assume it's true without more details. It kinda sounds like your daughter wants you to know the teacher thinks she is a good kid. Fwiw.
@samsterzz My four year old boy makes up shit all the time based on stories he hears. And every made up story has him as the main character.

Investigate but don't assume that every word that comes from a 4 year old is objective truth.
@samsterzz Check into this immediately. Yes, she could be imagining or mistaken, but the “good girl and quiet” sends off alarm bells for me. Does the school have cameras? Either way, request a conference with the head of the school and go from there.

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