Mind f@&k

I have been too, it’s kinda depressing to see my body changing so fast. Makes it worse that I didn’t plan for this. It is a mind fuck in more than one way
@ellenaus Yes! And for other stuff like being able to express small drops of colostrum... I still giggle and squee with excitement whenever I do that. It is WILD that liquid comes out! You read about it and know it logically. But to actually have it happen is something else!!
@ellenaus Yeah I have those moments. I keep thinking about how I'll be raising a little girl soon and teaching her all sorts and getting to see her little personality and who she becomes... then I have an "OH SHIT" moment when I realise she is currently inside me right now. Theres. A . Person. In. Me.
@ellenaus With both my kids, a couple days after they were born it hit me. I'd look at them like "wait. YOU were the thing crushing my organs? Kicking me at night? Tap dancing on my bladder? That was you???"
@ellenaus My 12 week scan blew my mind - there is a whole mini person in there, jumping around, the size of a peach or whatever fruit it is at that stage, and I couldn't feel or see a thing!! Like if I hadn't decided to pee on a stick, or if I hadn't had much sex ed I could quite easily not even know it was there at all and yet it's in there, jumping around all over the place!!
@ellenaus My husband has been SO supportive in learning about what's going on with my body and will be the first to tell me, "Hey, it says ______ is going to be happening to you this week." This weekend he was finally able to see her kicking me from the outside and it totally freaked him out hahaha. We always joke about the little alien in my belly and now that he's able to see her moving around I think it has only solidified that we are, in fact, having an alien for a daughter.
@someone Same here! It’s so nice. He knows how freaked out I am, and for a lot of my doctor appointments I have my mom go with me so he can work and he gives me a list of questions to ask every time
@ellenaus I LOVE that! Fortunately, my husband has Monday's off so we have been able to schedule all of our appointments on that day and he's been able to attend. This is my second (but his first) so he's been trying to learn as much as he can and really goes above and beyond which is fantastic. Congrats to you guys!
@ellenaus Look at the definition of parasite if you want an even bigger mindfuck.




noun: parasite; plural noun: parasites


an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.

"the parasite attaches itself to the mouths of fishes"

Or you know, the lining of the uterus in mammals...
@ellenaus It’s like a little alien growing in me! I’m at 25wks ftm. The movements get stronger each day and I’m really plumping/glowing up! By my cravings and word choices, I think my brain is controlled by this baby.
@ellenaus The first thing I thought when I found out was “bloody hell there’s a fucking BABY inside me jesus Lord” and every time I hear his heart I feel the same way. It’s crazy and I love it.