Mind f@&k

@ellenaus I think about this a lot, too. The first time I saw our baby on an ultrasound screen, I literally thought “women are fucking MAGIC!!!” (And we are, for being able to do everything needed for this little human without even thinking or trying!).
@alionka0013 Hey want to know a super weird fact, I'm having a baby girl and that means not only is my daughter inside me right now but if she goes on to have biological children of her own in the future then part of my grandchildren are inside me right now too because girls are born with all their eggs in their ovaries. In other words part of you was once inside your maternal grandmother when she was pregnant with your mother.
@alionka0013 It's awesome isn't it. Realising what the human body does. It also made me think about all my other remaining eggs and how potentially and hopefully at least one more of them will someday help create another child of mine. We have these little things inside of us with half the DNA of our kids and there's millions of possibilities in there.
@ellenaus When I say things like this my husband always says..”Did you never take a sex Ed class in high school?” Maybe it’s just weird because it’s actually happening inside me.
@thatgirl21 I had solid sex ed in HS and studied embryology and developmental anatomy at University. It's still weird af everytime I think about what's going on in there. Like a lot of things in life, it's one thing to know about it and another thing entirely to experience it.
@ellenaus I'm due in 10 days. I keep thinking "Holy shit. He's like, done already. He's totally fine. He could be here any second. I could hold him any day." It's weird to think about my body without the bump, too.
@ellenaus Yes! Today I pulled out a ruler to get a visual on about how long my baby is at this point and I was like "holy shit!" I have been thinking I'm feeling a tiny head in some parts of my abdomen but I guess it was a skinny butt instead 🤯
@viren At the midwife they enjoy playing a game called “Is That a Head or Bony Butt?”. The only way I can tell the difference is one end likes to kick me in the ribs while the other enjoys hiccuping into my bum.
@tryingtofindmywayback 😂😂😂 that made me laugh. I haven't experienced any hiccups yet! I'm very curious when I get stabby vagina nerve pains if that is her head or her feet, or just WHAT body part of hers exactly is rubbing up against my nerves down there???
@ellenaus As the doc placed my son on my chest, I literally said “there was actually a baby in there!”

Staring at him now as he sleeps (he’s three weeks old) and it still blows my mind. I GREW A HUMAN inside of me. 🤯
@ellenaus I called my son an alien/parasite during pregnancy for that reason. It was so unsettling whenever he moved and I could SEE the ripples and movement from my stomach. Just crazy stuff!
@ellenaus I'm only at 5 weeks... It blows my mind that there is currently something the size of an apple seed inside me that (God willing) will one day be an actual person...
Also I use the flo app to keep track of things and I find it kinda funny that the picture they show at 6 weeks kinda looks like a toy baby dinosaur....