
@joluvu What I mean by lack of evidence is that the data on weight gain related to these types of IUDs is limited. There are few studies investigating weight change with these methods of birth control (levonorgestrel intrauterine system), and some of the retrospective studies that ARE out there are working with data where weight measurements weren’t collected in an objective way. When there are many replicated studies that include “weight gain” as an investigatory question and collect data on weight gain objectively, and those show that weight gain isn’t caused by these IUDs, then you can come at me confident. Until then, medical professionals DO have a duty at the very least to say, “Yes, the studies that are out there do not show a link between weight gain and the IUD, but the data is limited” but they don’t have those types of nuanced conversations with patients, and that’s messed up.
@dreis Do they randomly let dudes on this sub?? Like damn! This is supposed to be a safe space and lil bro out here getting his comment deleted for a derogatory slur, and other lil dude is trying to pretend like doctors don't straight up gaslight and lie to female patients all the time. Especially their nonwhite female patients.
Sorry you're experiencing this stuff, and that the commenter is just being a devil advocate to doctors for no reason.

I stopped taking my bc (pills) about 6 months ago, it had been 5+ plus years i was on it before then. But I'm on the subsidized ones through a low income health clinic, and they kept lying to me about switching around my bc every couple months like it wasn't obviously different pills with different hormone levels each time. Went to planned Parenthood to confirm they had indeed been switching around my bc to various types with various levels of hormones. I just decided to get off it all together, as my last period lasted legit 2 MONTHS nonstop, with heavy bleeding and severe cramps the WHOLE time. No nurses/doctors believed me save for at planned Parenthood. Like why would we make stuff up?! We don't WANT to be in pain or to experience wild mood swings at the drop of a hat!!

I hope you feel better getting off it, and back to your usual self soon! You are not alone 💖🌞❤️💘💐
@joluvu It is well known (maybe not through official literature) that hormonal IUDs can cause weight gain, as do other hormonal birth control methods. Even though IUDs are theoretically supposed to release hormones locally in the uterus, a new study presented at a conference for gynecologists and related researchers found that when examining breast tissue, which changes in response to artificial hormones, that systemic hormonal birth control and hormonal IUDs had similar effects compared to the control. This means that despite claims, the IUD does not only release hormones locally, but that some are in fact absorbed into the blood stream, causing the systemic effects that OP (and myself and MANY other women online) have experienced. Check and other posts in this subreddit. As someone who is in scientific research, I can assure you that things are missed when it comes to side effects, especially when it comes to women’s reproductive health. Another example is that it wasn’t until recently that birth control pills were finally found to be linked to depression. However, for decades women have been complaining about that (including me). This goes to show that women’s health care is lacking and isn’t taken seriously enough.
@dreis I’m about to schedule to get mine removed because I have been on my period for almost 14 days with no signs of stopping. I’ve been passing clots the size of my palm, and I’ve gone through an entire box of heavy overnight pads in the past week. I’ve lost so much blood that I’m anemic and can’t exercise without almost passing out. It has stalled my fitness progress and it’s just not worth it since I’m no longer as sexually active as I once was.

I got the IUD originally because I was having painful periods and wanted to stop them and for the first year it did that. I’m entering year three and my periods are irregular and I’m cramping bad. And every time I pass a clot I can feel my cervix fighting for its life. I am tired (literally), and it’s literally ruining my life. 🫠🫠🫠
@dreis Hi everyone, got the kyleena 2 weeks ago. I’m a 20 yr old, highly highly active person with a very physical emergency medicine job. I came on here to seek advice because I’ve been bleeding through about three regular sized tampons a day with this thing ever since i’ve gotten it, and i’m just now ovulating so my fear is that the bleeding is going to get worse once the lining thickens before my period . Is this a normal experience? I know spotting is expected but this is far from spotting. Cramping is a consistent 4/10
@dreis When you get it taken out I suggest looking into evening primrose oil supplements to help balance your hormones back! I had Nexplanon and removed it 5 months ago. I am still not 100 percent but my periods are now a little more consistent and I am happy to be hormone free. Doctors are taught to push birth control on women in med school. My primary dr. ive had her since i was a kid and she even told me BIRTH CONTROL IS BAD.